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  1. P

    Laserwash upgrades

    Video of the upgrades we have made to one of our Laserwash 4000's.
  2. P

    Does anybody use a low ph powder based presoak?

    Hi kangamar, Welcome to the industry. Acids or low pH products are good for window mask, cleaning chrome, and aiding in drying. I am not aware of any low pH powder products, but that doesn't mean they aren't out there. Most acids tend to occur as liquids so soap companies usually formulate...
  3. P

    Please Help with Two Questions about Laserwash 4000

    Question 1: You could use Soap #1 for your High pH soap, Soap #2 for your Low pH soap, Foaming Wax for your Turtle Wax Fire, and use Drying Agent with the water saver valve for your Turtle Wax ICE. Then use the water saver unloader to adjust the pressure down to 250 psi. This would mean that...
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    Larry Jacob and Bob Koo are both excellent people to learn from. When we did our research we came down to Con-Serve and Purwater. Ultimately we went with Con-Serve because their series 3 unit fit into our equipment room better. We opened up the asphalt installed four tanks, plumbed everything...
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    New Razor Edge

    Chris is actually in the video around the 5:24 mark. He is standing just left of the dryers. He did a great job with the install. I was really impressed.
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    With only a traffic count, I like to use the following for quick minimums: 10,000 / 7 = 1428.57 1428.57 x .01 = 14.28 or 14 cars per day average. Understand this is a minimum and doesn't provide an accurate number. Lots of factors will drive the number higher. If you can take this number and...
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    New Razor Edge

    So I had the chance to visit with a friend and see his new Razor Edge today. I shot some video of it washing.
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    Topaz Industro Float Valve - annoying bubbles

    I just installed mine below the water level and now there are no bubbles. I used the string to attach the float.
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    Touchless best chemicals?

    A few suggestions. 1. Get a TDS meter and check your RO water. You should get a value less than 40 parts per million (ppm). 2. Dump a little bit of all of your waxes, sealants, polishes, and drying agents out their feed lines at the injectors. Then fire a soap, hopefully none of the lines pulls...
  10. P

    Laser 4000 customer can't drive straight!

    Out of the 120 that I put down 2 have come up in a year. One of my friends who is a Wash World distributor has started using stainless steel Tapcons. He claims he hasn't had any come up in a year and a half.
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    reclaim retrofit

    The biggest challenge is the city. The city required heavier more expensive tanks for us that could withstand the weight of a tractor trailer truck. Buying and installing the tanks ate up 2/3 of the budget. Luckily the one spot for the reclaim unit in the equipment room was also the closest...
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    Sorry to be so long getting back. As far as cleaning versus the Action line there really isn't any difference. The advantages are smaller containers (2.5 gallons), everything is rectangular which makes storage easier, and it keeps the equipment room cleaner while taking up a smaller footprint...
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    We have been using JBS since 2015 with our Laserwash 4000's. We use the Compass line, specifically CPS-100, CPS-200, CPS-201, CPS- 500, CPS-602, and CPS-700. We have had phenomenal results, the site with the biggest change for us went from 24 cars a day to 62. The only change we made was the soap.
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    Paystation for PDQ 360?

    I talked with Hamilton at the Car Wash Show and the Gold Line can be had with a barcode reader for about $11,000.
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    Paystation for PDQ 360?

    The baseline price for a unit with a barcode reader is about $22,000. So, they aren't cheap.
  16. P

    Paystation for PDQ 360?

    The Hamilton HTK can have a bar code reader and seems to be very reliable.
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    Laser 4000 customer can't drive straight!

    I used Adhesive Technologies Ultra Bond 1300. It can be used in a wet bay.
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    Laser 4000 customer can't drive straight!

    I purchased traffic markers from Safety Cones USA and used them to create reflective lines that run the entire length of the bay. The reflectors are about $1.30 each. I epoxied them down with the same epoxy used to put them onto the road which I purchased from HD Supply. They are spaced every...
  19. P

    3x foam polish or detergent & pricing

    Soonermajic, if you don't want to call your 3x foam a conditioner or polish, then with Glow Foam you can put up black lights and just call it Glow Foam. The product glows under black light making the color even more vibrant. Just a suggestion.
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    3x foam polish or detergent & pricing

    Conditioner does not condition the vehicle. The term is an industry specific term. It is strictly for show and can be used to help get a higher price for a wash. Soap companies are the ones that name products as conditioner or polish. Neither does what the name implies, but this is a forum for...