Search results

  1. Greg_T

    Doyle vacuums with pleated cartridge filters

    I shovel mud from pits 4 days per week, so cleaning vac filters is my "easy" job! We just seem to be a particularly dirty wash.
  2. Greg_T

    New income streams

    We have a K9000 dog wash, and it is a really good part of our business. Revenue is about 50% of our average SS bay, and is much, much less maintenance and clean up.
  3. Greg_T

    Doyle vacuums with pleated cartridge filters

    We have the Doyle vacs with 3 x pleated filters and 20 litre (5 gallon) bucket underneath. I generally find them very good for both operation and maintenance. Ours are now about 12 years old and no complaints. I clean ours twice a week.
  4. Greg_T

    What’s THE most overcomplicated equipment you’ve worked on?

    From memory they were Dema injectors. They certainly were finicky. From one week to the next the pressures and dilutions would change. Shifting to a hydrominder setup has proven to be much simpler.
  5. Greg_T

    Airing it out...

    Nope. Here in Australia, I can't remember ever seeing compressed air at a carwash. Just about every petrol station has it for free.
  6. Greg_T

    My car wash in Tik Tok video!

    Nice to get your 15 minutes of fame!😉🤩
  7. Greg_T


    We are unattended, so there is rarely the chance to talk with customers about the mud. And as we all know, signage is pretty much worthless. So we just get on the shovels!
  8. Greg_T


    Each week I shovel out each pit by hand (3ft x 3ft x 3ft pits). I probably average about 5-7 gallons of mud per pit each week.
  9. Greg_T

    Maintenance for Self Serve

    As many replies have noted, it will depend greatly upon your location, customer base etc. Just to give an idea from our wash, we are in a dirty, muddy farming area. I go every morning to make sure things are working OK, clean up mud and rubbish, clean out vac filters etc. Typically takes me...
  10. Greg_T


    Some do, some don't. We just live with what we get.
  11. Greg_T


    Agreed - driving a large vehicle in muddy tracks is not what I think of as entertainment.
  12. Greg_T


    We are an unattended wash in a muddy area, so it's just part of life. But I appreciate that this would be unacceptable at other sites.
  13. Greg_T


    We are in a farming area, and at the foothills of popular 4WD areas. So mud is just a normal part of business for us, certainly not worth us getting all stressed about. Examples from earlier today....
  14. Greg_T

    Worthy 1st Time Investment?

    I always sit on the hood of my Maserati..... Oh wait, I drive a 2005 Toyota Hilux. Must have got mixed up somewhere.
  15. Greg_T

    New Purchase

    Four to start is a huge step. Agreed with Rfreeman, keeping the washes well presented, operating reliably and delivering a great customer experience is really important. The video from Randy is also really insightful - if you know and understand all the risks and challenges, you'll be much...
  16. Greg_T

    What’s THE most overcomplicated equipment you’ve worked on?

    Direct injection of chemical at stainless steel eductor unit on the left. Two adjustments on eductor - one for discharge pressure to bay, another for dilution. When solenoid valve on left opened, some of discharge from HP pump would flow through eductor, pick up undiluted presoak, then go back...
  17. Greg_T

    How do you organize your hoses?

    Where they are visible, our hoses are great - neatly arranged, not rubbing etc. However I have discovered that in areas that are less visible, it was a "dog's breakfast". In one location, a brass fitting was laying on top of a 24V multicore. Over time, the inevitable happened and electrical...
  18. Greg_T

    What’s THE most overcomplicated equipment you’ve worked on?

    Our old presoak system. It was complex, unreliable, leaked and drove me nuts. Getting rid of it was the single best choice I've made with our wash. We replaced it with a simple hydrominder system. I often smile when I look at the spot that horrible old system used to be.
  19. Greg_T

    Self Serve RV/Boat Wash Question

    For context, we are a carwash in rural Australia, town about 2,000, district about 5,000. We have a large bay for commercial vehicles, caravans, boats etc. We have never had any issues with black water dumping etc. We get lots of mud, but all our bays get lots of mud. For us, it has been a good...
  20. Greg_T

    Up and Running

    Great effort, really hope it goes well for you.