Search results

  1. Whale of a Wash

    Anyone want to talk me off the ledge?

    I would say go rent one first. I rented one, and they yank the hose out of your hands. It was way to violent, and too much work for me. I have a company with a 3000g pump truck come and do the wash. It builds vacuum slightly slower and doesn't yank the hose as bad. One 6bay completely fills his...
  2. Whale of a Wash

    How does Craigslist make money?

    I wondered that also because i use it weekly to give away furniture, appliances, to recycle things from apts i own or stuff from the carwash. It's actually easy to google it. It said they charge less for effective ads than people were paying for ineffective ads. They charge for brokered apt...
  3. Whale of a Wash

    Where's Waxman?

    He's too busy on vacation. He was at Cape Cod for a week, probably trying to catch up. I talked to him a week ago so he is fine.
  4. Whale of a Wash

    Buying a mattress ?

    I got tired of our mattress also, and got a Memory foam topper for it. I think it is 4" and got it on amazon cheap. It made my expensive crappy feeling mattress awesome. It forms to you really well, but it does reflect alot of heat, so the lady with hot flashes is sometimes annoyed by it...
  5. Whale of a Wash

    Customer claims pressure removed some paint from his bumper

    Unfortunately logic won't help you to explain the problem to a customer. I thought it also was a previous repair, but the divot upon a closer look is a water droplet. The adhesion of paint on the plastic parts has been always been a problem without really good prep work. Unfortunately you will...
  6. Whale of a Wash

    News report from Cleveland stringing.

    Maybe a few stills would have been better, but it couldn't get much easier with that machine unless the door was open
  7. Whale of a Wash

    Absolutely Unbelievable

    We thought we had seen it all in this business. Hell is too good for these POS's But is good enough for your ins co. I bet. Hope they are kind
  8. Whale of a Wash

    Need opinions on pricing

    Which boxes did you purchase to install the cryptopay on. I need 5 new boxes, and can't decide?
  9. Whale of a Wash

    Need opinions on pricing

    According to profit Maximization- you should charge $2 and I should go to $3 as i spend $$$on floor heat --$$ on garage doors $$ snow removal. The self serves are very costly in my climate. So we are working on different costs basis due to climates. When you get everything completed go for $2...
  10. Whale of a Wash

    Need opinions on pricing

    People are throwing $100 into their gas tank in our town-$4.09 a gallon I am at $2 for 3 min. a pretty cheap place to go after filling gas. CC's are starting at $2 for 3 min. Thinking of going to $3, but not sure of the time for a wash--Maybe 3.5 min or 4 min? reason for the higher gas prices...
  11. Whale of a Wash

    Does This Sound Normal To Anyone ???? Feedback desperatly needed !

    7yrs left on lease, and wants to sell it for half price.. No financials--One always imagines he has semi's full of cash. Just the opposite- you are at a FIRE sale- The potential buyers of the wash at full price-- should be fighting you for the chance to buy it at half price!! Here's another...
  12. Whale of a Wash

    Succession Plan

    Are you OK??? You're still so young and good looking!!
  13. Whale of a Wash

    High Security Tokens

    Going without quarters would be nice , but in this rough economy i would hate to lose, even a few bucks, but without dispensing a quarter at the wash i would guess i still take in 20% in quarters. Loose change is still good.
  14. Whale of a Wash

    High Security Tokens

    I have been using the CTX-333 -- .985 size- slightly larger than quarter for almost 4 yrs, and been thru 60K of them, and no rogue tokens, but in the reject found almost every type of token or foreign coin imaginable. I think you should spend to put your own logo or name on them, so the customer...
  15. Whale of a Wash

    Rowe Changer Problem

    Yes that is the correct part. That should solve the problem, Buy two, as the other side may need it soon also, or just replace both when you have it apart, as preventive maint.
  16. Whale of a Wash

    Rowe Changer Problem

    If you don't have a jam next to the red LED . Purchase a new one from KR as it is getting weak. The LED's seem to go 3yrs and as they get dimmer that error will happen more often until it won't clear.
  17. Whale of a Wash

    Cryptopay wireless range

    There is a test mode that will light the leds to display signal strength, But putting the Modem higher in the air away from metal, will help. It is a mesh network they said, so the farthest one only needs to talk to the next one. I can't imagine unless you are really spread out it will not...
  18. Whale of a Wash

    on-board or stand alone dryer...

    Stand alone- We can be drying while one is presoaking. During the busy times it saves a couple of minutes per car.
  19. Whale of a Wash

    New ideas from the ICA show anyone?

    Could you send the pics----Just can't seem to understand without pictures
  20. Whale of a Wash

    Pallet shipping

    Just ask for a liftgate with your order.