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  1. C

    Water-Sewer Increase - Bay Prices

    I really don’t know the rates, however we are about 4% of gross revenue..
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    Water-Sewer Increase - Bay Prices

    we are in the bays $6 for 5 minutes- cash , credit or debit. Average credit card purchases are $ 13. 25 per credit card per customer. 82% credit card usage.
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    Air Dryers In Self Service - How Are You Wiring Them?

    Yes, we wire it off the HP pump. No Problems.
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    Cat 310 Pressure Question

    Are all the unloaders/ Pressure regulators the same brand etc? Just a thought! I have had that issue as well!
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    Vacuum dirt keeps getting robbed

    Cameras !!
  6. C

    Weep are running, weep system is shut down

    Maybe Solenoid is stuck open, I've had that happen ..
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    Ceramic Option

    No! :)
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    Biz Opp…!

    It’s Huge Train Wreck! I finally learned 20 years ago!
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    Biz Opp…!

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    Air Dryer handles flying around

    Since we installed the Air Logic nozzles Air Dryer use has zoomed way way up!
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    Air Dryer handles flying around

    Nice, Looks Awesome!
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    Air Dryer handles flying around

    IT Works perfect, have been on for a year or more.
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    Air Dryer handles flying around

    I cut a 6 inch piece of 1-1/2 inch vac hose and stuck on barrel of Air Logic and problem solved.
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    That would not be allowed at our place.. NO WAY
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    This company stands by their logo, literally.

    That is Exactly why we have a Full Time attendant from sunrise to sunset! We would have caught him before he even got started! I feel for you! Sometimes they sneak in on us during the night.. Not Good
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    Led 5 problem

    I would suggest to UPGRADE! Same time and Money!
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    Charge to customer question

    Don't waste anymore of your VALUABLE time on it, ask the customer how much time they think they used, refund his/her money, make a happy ending and go on.. YOUR TIME IS VALUABLE for bigger and better things.
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    Cost Per Minute Analysis

    You are Very close depending, I would say 30 cents per minute if you give the Customer what they want and need to be Happy and Come BACK!
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    Social Media

    Our Philosophy is "Early to Bed, Early to Rise work like Hell and ADVERTISE"
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    What Company?