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  1. S

    Weep Mizer Setting

    Thanks I was certain this was far too much water and pressure.
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    Weep Mizer Setting

    Hi all, Called Dixmor today to discuss how much water should come out for weep. We are in Ontario, Canada where the weather can certainly get cold during the winter months. The rep from Dixmor indicated there was no real formula but suggested the water should at least spray out in a fan shape...
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    Cat Pump Help

    No has two solenoid valves that open below the pump for low pressure
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    Cat Pump Help

    Thanks. I did remove the plungers to inspect them during the rebuild so hopefully they are better aligned.
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    Cat Pump Help

    He told me he rebuilt it a few times and then proceeded to replace the head. When I rebuilt the head I looked for signs of washout and could not see any visible pitting or indentation around the ring seats but I am new to this.
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    Cat Pump Help

    Hi all, I have a Custom Craft setup that has been great with the exception of 1 bay. I have 1 bay that keeps acting up. The previous owner struggled with this bay for almost 3 years. Here it is: Took over the wash a little over a month ago. Cat 5CP2120W started knocking a bit in the last week...
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    How often do you guys change your pump oil?

    How often do you change them in a year? Do you see signs of any breakdown or just automatically replace them? How many operating hours when you change your oil?
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    How often do you guys change your pump oil?

    Are you referring to the high pressure, low pressure seals?
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    Who has doors on their self serve bays?

    4 bay SS in Ontario, Canada. We use the Wyndstar Vinyl doors both front and back. They are connected to loop sensors that open and close the doors as it detects the vehicle, when time expires, or after 30 seconds if not money is inserted. Have door openers on the inside as well so a customer can...
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    Help with Bay Occupancy Sensor

    I am able to adjust sensitivity but do not believe I can adjust to infinite presence....what would infinite presence do? I'm wondering if a relay has gone bad...Just weird that it detects the vehicle and then turns green after a minute.
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    Help with Bay Occupancy Sensor

    Hi all, When a vehicle pulls into our bay in ground sensor wire detects the metal on the vehicle and changes a traffic light from green to red (indicating the bay is occupied). It is a loop detection circuit similar to what is used at some city stop lights. We have this installed primarily for...
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    Cash vs Credit.....Trends and Expectations

    You do not accept any coins or tokens?
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    Cash vs Credit.....Trends and Expectations

    Hi all, Interested to obtain your input. For those of you that accept both cash and credit at your SS washes, what percentage of your business comes in the form of credit? Have you seen this trend risk as people become more comfortable using credit? We see approximately 30% of our business...
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    Doors for self service bays

    We have the roll up doors from Wynd Star. The doors are on a sensor to open when a customer pulls up to the entry pad. Climate here can get pretty nasty during the winter months and the doors certainly help keep the warmth in. They also provide privacy and warmth to the customer which is a huge...
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    Pricing Opinions- Increase or Not to Increase $$

    Randy, where abouts do you live and what kind of climate? In Northern climates I think the self serve business still stands strong, especially with long cold winter months.
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    Pricing Opinions- Increase or Not to Increase $$

    Thanks, I am going to make the move. In the process of getting new signage made to reflect the new price per minute.
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    Pricing Opinions- Increase or Not to Increase $$

    $1 per minute would be on par with competing washes. This would be the higher startup cost, however I doubt anyone would travel across town to save a dollar and most people can not clean their vehicle for the $3 minimum regardless. I guess you can see that I am talking myself into it lol! My...
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    Pricing Opinions- Increase or Not to Increase $$

    Thanks for the advice. We have vacs in each bay currently set up as a function on our rotary dial so runs at the same cost per minute. Very strong suction. Also have more vacs in the rear of the property that include shampoo and fragrence functions. $2 for 4 minutes there.
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    Pricing Opinions- Increase or Not to Increase $$

    Northern close are the other washes to you?
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    Pricing Opinions- Increase or Not to Increase $$

    Anyone else gone through this process? Just hoping I don't push away customers. Any guidance/advice would be greatly appreciated!!