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  1. S

    Trash Dumpers Police say its OK

    Just last week I made my 2nd visit of the day to my wash facility to clean up after my patrons on my way home from my regular job and found a pickup backed up to my dumpster. I get the old "you built this place so you should expect to get trash" BS logic, but I draw the line at filling my...
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    Jobe Rojo and Topaz valve

    I've been fighting water level problems in my hot water storage tank on SS's for years. I've tried them all from Bob's to Jobes. The Jobes seem to last longer than most and they are by far the easiest to repair or replace with their 1/4 turn quick change design. I have found what I believe to be...
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    Are bright bay lights for business, or for security?

    I got tired of replacing the expensive 400 watt metal halide bulbs in my wall pack fixtures. So I took the advice of a good electrician and converted to 55 watt full spectrum compact flouresent bulbs. They are not so compact but they work well in a wall pack. The full spectrum is the key because...
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    Cold weather air blow down/weep

    I have posted to a similar thread with the same message. I tried this at my 4-2. I engineered what I thought was going to be a simple SS blow down system using an inexpensive Omron programmable relay, some solenoid valves and fittings. I modeled it after my Oasis IBA. I used an Omega digital...
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    Door Openers in SS

    Opener Update Update to the orginal post. I have been online for ~10 weeks with electric door openers in SS on the exits. The customers and I love them. They push the button, close the door and stay longer and spend more money because the environmental conditions are enhanced and they get a...
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    Door Openers in SS

    I am refering to my SS exit doors and they will not be automated. I am running automated airlift doors on my auto bays with magnaglide operators. The AB's are my money makers and yes they deserve the good stuff. The SS bays and the SS customers are less deserving. I have had overhead doors on SS...
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    Door Openers in SS

    Is anyone out there running electric door openers on their SS bay exit doors? I have manual operated overhead doors on the exit side of the SS bays to cut down thw wind tunnel affect, conatin some of the floor heat and provide some comfort to the customers. I installed a Liftmaster shaft drive...
  8. S

    Weep water time of year almost back

    I have a 4&2 in Ohio. The 2 are Oasis Monsoon's, so I have experience with blow down. i am also a mechanical engineer that likes to tinker. My weepmizer lost it's marbles last winter on x-mass day and thought is was 80F outside. Needless to say that caused problems. I have a good friend that's...