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    Cryptopay with Starlink Wi-Fi

    Thinking of trying out starlink at a new location. Has any one already set up there location with starlink as your provider? Don’t want to spend the upfront cost and find out some how crypto pay does not jive with it.
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    Little Trees discontinue some Trees

    Damn, I was just about to start selling Fresh Shave. I see tons of them around.
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    LEASING IBA at a Gas station

    Family has been in the industry for 2 generations now. Many moons ago family had done a few lease’s on entire sites, ran it for years, eventually gave up the lease (ended up owning 15 locations with real estate). I stumbled upon a gas station in a rather prime time location with no competition...
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    SEO keywords

    Any one care to share what SEO key words have worked well for them. Self serve/touchfree IBA
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    Acw display I have 3 machines with these displays , there great. I do recall there is a very small jumper that was not included because I bought thru kleen rite: had to call dixmor they sent for free. I was on phone with dixmor...
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    Hamilton GoldLine 5.7 CryptoPay

    After reading a Hamilton manual, I rescind my thesis. I had assumed the external display mirrored what the small display was reading, and it appears that is not the case.
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    Hamilton GoldLine 5.7 CryptoPay

    Randy here’s the thought I had, Port 15 on the Distribution Panel in the gold line is the display, plug the updated screen into the display plug like advised in the install, which goes back to port 15 and zip tie the screen behind the door somewhere. Port 18 is the auxiliary display plug...
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    Hamilton GoldLine 5.7 CryptoPay

    Has anyone been able to set up a goldline with crypto pay with leaving the 5.7 “ display? I have never done a retro fit on a goldline but I see in the kit you have to change the display
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    D&S IQ 2.0 soft touch. Quality? Cost?

    Looking for some feedback on an IQ soft touch, looking at a location that has one. We own multiple razors so the IQ is slightly out of my wheelhouse. Curious how much of a battle this thing would be until we can replace it down the What is their original equipment cost no install no blowers no...