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I tell people with animal trailers and grass covered landscape equipment the same thing... wash all that crap off in your driveway, not on my property. Feel free to come back and soap and wax your equipment once the "trash" (emphasis on the word trash) is removed.
We've talked to our local fast food managers about their employees getting change (pictures from our cameras helped there).
Our biggest issue now is the laundry mat behind our wash. We've talked to the manager, who has put signage up but as we all know, no one reads signs. We removed the...
We just went with the Airlift XRS and are pretty impressed with them so far (not that they've gotten much use in the warm weather). What we found was that both polycarbonate and vinyl were about $10k per door, installed - the price difference between the two was negligible.
We have a stainless arch, that is the same size as the gantry, installed before our pay stations. After those got broke off several times, we installed 4 bollards at each arch, to protect the legs. We find that several people try to go through with ladders on their trucks, and they hit the arch...
Because of the gaps (from the worn lovejoy) the weight of the gantry has the whole unit rolling backways, taking up that slack when the machine is at rest. Pretty common issue/maintenance with these machines.
We are in a flood plain, and did not have flood insurance. This happened twice, 5 years apart. Both storms exceed the 500-year storm events, and generated the highest level ever recorded (by 5') in the Susquehanna River at the nearest reference point. Bays were at the 100' flood elevation, the...
The other thing to keep in mind is that if it was easy, everyone would do it. Yes, you have to work weekends and come in to do repairs when I drunk drives through your bay doors at 3AM on Christmas Eve. But I personally find that the positives outweigh the negatives, and I truly enjoy the work.
Well guys, I appreciate all the input...
BUT the owner just called me back because he found a buyer for the entire plaza. I suspect he had an offer in on the entire plaza already, and was fishing for numbers from the individual businesses to see if he could make more selling lots separately...
Thanks for the input all. We (brother, mother and myself) took over the carwash after my father passed in 2016. He was our financial whiz, so all of the opinions here are very helpful.
We have 13 years left on the lease (was a 30-year lease originally). After reviewing the lease in further...
Our wash is 2 IBAs and 2 SS bays. No room to expand due to the layout of the lot (we're maxed out and built up with retaining walls to get out of the flood plain).
We were just informed that the person that owns the land that our wash is on wants to sell. He owns various businesses in the plaza and called all of the owners to let everyone know.
Obviously we are interested. He told us he'd like to know in the next 2 days. We're going to push back on that...
Starrwash, I don't want to tread on any toes, but I just asked this question in the IBA forum and have been getting some good info. Might want to check that thread out.
Appreciate the input folks!
And we don't have howling winds, or anything serious. But because we are on a flat next to the river (with very little development around) when it does get windy, there's nothing to block it around the carwash. I'm going to guess that we get might get 20 mph gusts...
We just replaced our Watts regulator $450 for a 1.5" unit.
Unfortunately we've had to replace it several times in the last 10 years - we will be looking at a different brand (possibly Zurn, as suggested above by Randy). We seem to have problems with the pressure creeping (doubling) with ours...
We currently have air-powered polycarbonate doors (by Ultimate Supplies) on both of our IBA bays. We are sick of the air setup, and the doors are ready for retirement - so we will be switching to electric.
Right now we are on the fence between staying with the polycarbonate doors (we'd go with...