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    Truck wash

    Semis use my ss wash, they just leave road grit but never had a grease problem.
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    City flushing water lines and hydrants

    the city says they will be flushing lines for 4 days, they say to not do any laundry because of rusty water that will stain any clothes. They say that the water will look brown and rusty, so what will this do to the car wash quality? Do i need to do any thing to protect the wash it self? tell...
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    Cat 310 pump manifold washed out?

    my cat 310 just keeps going through the o rings so i just keep replacing them, always have to replace the same one, though it will last about a month at the most. So i guess that is cheaper than a new pump, still new to all this.
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    Cat 310 pump manifold washed out?

    i seem to be having the same problem, hope to see a response!
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    super swivel

    I have a futura millenium.
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    super swivel

    My iba uses about 20 super swivels and the originals lasted about 4 years, the new replacements are only lasting about 9 months to 1 year. Just wondering why this would be, anyone else notice this problem?
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    credit card reader stoped working

    Credit card reader just stoped working. It was fine last night but today nothing. I shut power on and off, the little red light comes on but will not read. Its just this one bay, tried many different cards and nothing, do these readers just go bad?
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    Chemical Expenses

    i have a 3 ss and 1iba what chemicals are you using?
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    customers that wont leave

    Yes, people are sitting in the bay for over three munites. once i get a call on my cell i have to either go to my computer to see what is going on or head straight to the wash depending where im at.
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    customers that wont leave

    My iba is programed to call my cell phone when the wash detects a problem. This is a really cool feature, the only problem is when a customer wont leave when the wash cycle is over, then I get a call from the wash. I have put up signs indicating to exit when the wash cycle is over. It is very...
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    I was wondering if you have had any experience with futura, specifically the futura millenium. Do you like it, hate it, otherwise..