Patrick H. Crowe
I'm not sure this would work. A colleague proposed it to me. What do you think?
The US government is going to spend 2 - 3 trillion dollars on the many bail out proposals. Instead let's give each adult earning under 50K a year, a check, a whopper big one, say $25 to 50K. The more you make the lower the check and any worker making over 150K gets nothing. We hold the total to roughly the present total, i.e. 2- 3 trillion. I think the math would work.
What happens? Many renters buy foreclosed houses. Many folks behind on house payments get caught up. Credit card debt gets paid down. Mostly the cash gets spent. Some squander it on vacations so the resorts have to hire more people, so do the restaurants. The economy gets stimulated like never before. The auto companies don't get bailed out by the government, instead folks begin buying their cars. Kids get sent to college. The unemployed buy training.
What would you do with yours?
Is this better than Paulsen giving 350 billion to lenders and Wall Stree?
I like putting the money in the hands of the citizens. I strongly dislike giving it to greedy Wall Streeters, bankers and incompetent auto companies.
Comments welsome
Patrick H. Crowe
The US government is going to spend 2 - 3 trillion dollars on the many bail out proposals. Instead let's give each adult earning under 50K a year, a check, a whopper big one, say $25 to 50K. The more you make the lower the check and any worker making over 150K gets nothing. We hold the total to roughly the present total, i.e. 2- 3 trillion. I think the math would work.
What happens? Many renters buy foreclosed houses. Many folks behind on house payments get caught up. Credit card debt gets paid down. Mostly the cash gets spent. Some squander it on vacations so the resorts have to hire more people, so do the restaurants. The economy gets stimulated like never before. The auto companies don't get bailed out by the government, instead folks begin buying their cars. Kids get sent to college. The unemployed buy training.
What would you do with yours?
Is this better than Paulsen giving 350 billion to lenders and Wall Stree?
I like putting the money in the hands of the citizens. I strongly dislike giving it to greedy Wall Streeters, bankers and incompetent auto companies.
Comments welsome
Patrick H. Crowe