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I was just wondering if anyone had taken in any valuable coins at their carwash. I was getting a silver quarter every two or three weeks last year but I have not seen one in a while.
I get the occasional silver quarter also, but it seems like we get them much less often. There are supposed to be a small amount of SBA dollar coins that were minted in 2000. I watch for those, but have not seen any.
Electronic acceptors shouldn't take silver quarters. I used to find 'em years ago with coin mechs, but even that was about as rare as getting a gold dollar coin now (and everything we have takes them).
Last year, someone was coming through buying auto car wash with pre1965 quarters. I got almost an entire rol of them over two pulls. The IDX acceptors took them.
I find pennies nearly every day by my vacs, as well as other coins. I heard a 1955 'double struck' penny is worth thousands, so I look at every one before I pocket it.
The cynics on this forum will call me a rose-colored glasses wearing, pie in the sky eating eternal freakin optimist for this, but every time I pick up a penny I feel gratitude for the abundance that keeps flowing to me. Pennies don't equate to financial wealth, I know, but I see them as a symbol.
Enjoyed meeting you at the Forum Party. Never be concerned about how others feel about your optimistic viewpoint. I am sure your passion and energy is contagious at your business and in tough times like many are experiencing in our industry today we all could use some of that. Keep picking up those pennies, maybe someday it will really pay off.
I started picking up pennies again... do the math: it only takes a second to pick up a penny and that is equivalent to making $36 per hour... If you are slow and it takes two seconds to pick up a penny, you are only making $18 per hour. Unfortunately, $18 per hour is more than I made last year working at my carwash.
about 5 years ago, I sent my emplyees over the Bank of America for 5 rolls of nickels. When I opened the drawer to make change I found the slot full of buffullo heads.... I went back and got 10 more rolls and found more. I'n all I got about 100 Indian head's... some worth $3-$10@. I also get an occassion gold or silver certificate (red or blue seal). I put them in my safe for my kids.
Years ago I used to get several silver quarters a week. When I would run them thru the Klopp they would make a clank sound instead of a clink and I could pick them out pretty easy. We weigh quarters now so I never find any.