I’ve got 5 car washes, 4 of them are within a 10 mile radius, the other is 70 miles away.
One of them is a Petit that occupies what used to be a tunnel, there is also a laundromat on the same property.
One is a petit with 4 self serve bays, also with a laundromat
One is a Laserwash 4000 with 5 self serve bays
One is two Laserwash 4000’s with 5 self serve bays
And the last one is two Laserwash G5’s and a
PDQ Tandem
The biggest slide I’ve seen is in the laundromats, we’re down about 15% since we started last year. But we’re also down about 5-7% from this time last year on the self serves and automatics.
I haven’t been in this business very long to have a good idea as to how we should be doing around this time of year. But it seems like we’re pretty slow.
We’re not struggling yet, but I really have to hope that it picks up again this winter like it did last year.