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Anyone using Monex Group Tap and Wash in there self serve wand washes?


New member
If so what are your thoughts? The machine price seems reasonable but instal price I was quoted for one bay seemed high.
Thoughts? How do they work?
I'm holding off since I have more pressing upgrades to make this year. Having an electronics manufacturing background, the hardware price per bay seems high to me. That little box is priced as high as some of the most powerful personal computers on the market today. The mfg cost price of the in bay terminal box should be less than $100, and that's allowing for licensed firmware and custom IC's. The price to car wash owners will be marked up of course, IMO that's a lot of mark up.

Installation price? It was less expensive to have a re-manufactured transmission installed in my plow truck. I'm comparing apples to oranges, but this is ridiculous.

We may acquire some new customers with this technology. Also consider some of our existing customers will transition from coin/cash payment to card payment which will incur bank fees transactions we are not paying today.

I think all of us will have to install SS debit card/credit card/phone payment eventually, I'm trying to hold out hoping the costs will fall some more.

I agree the pricing seemed high. I thought the install price was ridiculous as I am sure I can wire it myself and they do not allow this. I do think the volume would increase however. i think of all the times people may stop to wash but have no cash, don't want to go to ATM and then make change. Seems like more and more people do not carry cash.
Thanks for your input.
I'm holding off since I have more pressing upgrades to make this year. Having an electronics manufacturing background, the hardware price per bay seems high to me. That little box is priced as high as some of the most powerful personal computers on the market today. The mfg cost price of the in bay terminal box should be less than $100, and that's allowing for licensed firmware and custom IC's. The price to car wash owners will be marked up of course, IMO that's a lot of mark up.

Installation price? It was less expensive to have a re-manufactured transmission installed in my plow truck. I'm comparing apples to oranges, but this is ridiculous.

We may acquire some new customers with this technology. Also consider some of our existing customers will transition from coin/cash payment to card payment which will incur bank fees transactions we are not paying today.

I think all of us will have to install SS debit card/credit card/phone payment eventually, I'm trying to hold out hoping the costs will fall some more.

HiPressure & others,

Well said. I would like to add that some of us have laundromats with our SS car washes which would make such a system logically even less practical factoring both install & ongoing costs for 50 - 200 readers. I am thinking that Canada is well ahead of the USA with the ability to work with higher denomination coins which in turn makes the cash option more convenient & attractive than the irrational "only quarters in normal circulation" here in the USA.

In other words, it is nice even though you are much more tech savvy than the average joe ... it is nice to have a more workable cash option than if you lived in the USA. I am assuming that there are still enough banks in your country that are not going overboard on fees specifically on coin & for all cash for that matter. Even the highest fees for cash handling probably still do not come close to the cost of the current norm & possibly getting worse global "merchant fees". The technical differences of cash management vs having the dependency of outside gateway server reader transaction management are not that great IMHO.
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I’ve taken a look at the Monex tap and NFC mobile pay readers. Nice product.
They’re well built, fully sealed and tested to extreme temps and very low maintenance since there’s no mag readers or key pads. I’ve already got Hamilton DTT CC readers in my ss bays but I’m considering replacing the coin mechs with these on some vacs that are prone to break-ins. I’d miss the loonies and toonies for sure but I think Canadian customers would adapt quick. Maybe not every customer wants or has a credit card but most everybody has a chip enabled debit card linked to their checking account. A quick tap of the debit card or iPhone and they’re off to the races. Contrasted with a potential coin jam, trip to an ATM that’s going to surcharge them. Then a bill break at a change machine. Lots of time on site not vacuuming or spending $ and alot of points of failure along the way.

Ya the processing fees for credit cards would be a hit, but I think most Canadian customers would use debit and I can afford the .02 cent flat rate hit.
I wonder though how recipes are handled. I’d hate to field a landslide of phone calls for receipts after the fact.
Just some thoughts.

They look like a good product and in Canada fewer people seem to have cash. Coin is nice but I think the potential for increased sales is there.
I have bought and installed the system. Monex is a terrible company. The provided fee list isn't what you end up paying. They list interact at 3.5 cents, but round it up to 4 cents on your bill. The number 1 complaint merchants have for c.c companies is misrepresentation of fee's prior to sign up. These guys are guilty of that. The installation company (mondo) was great, but the acquirer (monex) is terrible. Your also tied to a 5 year contract, which is not normal industry length.
Other than the fee being 4c, What makes monex terrible? I've tried 2 other systems now and was unhappy with the performance and was thinking of the monex solution.
Other than the fee being 4c, What makes monex terrible? I've tried 2 other systems now and was unhappy with the performance and was thinking of the monex solution.
They (monex) took 2 months to finally start depositing my daily sales. I had to make a pile of calls and e-mails to get things straightened out. Monex lists a 1 time administration fee of $ 50. What they don't tell you is that it's per tap unit! It cost me $ 400 to get the 8 units signed up. By then I had already bought them from Mondo, so I was stuck. I have had 1 unit (of 8) die in 16 months, so that's not too bad. To call them a "tap" and wash unit is a bit of a misnomer. You need to hold the C.C against the unit for 5-10 seconds for them to capture the data. I do have to help some customers with this. They are expecting to wave their card by the unit and it will work. It doesn't. The only good thing about this delayed capture is that it prevents accidental double taps. There is no cancel button, so accidental double taps would be a problem. I was at the grocery store the other day and witnessed an elderly lady accidently double taping her card. The cashier did a clear of her 2nd tap, so I know that double taps are possible.
If so what are your thoughts? The machine price seems reasonable but instal price I was quoted for one bay seemed high.
Thoughts? How do they work?
a couple years ago i checked out clear token pay by phone app it is basically plug and play idx i believe has teamed up with them, seemed pretty inexpensive
They look like a good product and in Canada fewer people seem to have cash. Coin is nice but I think the potential for increased sales is there.
im installing them on bays vacs and vending. i negotiated the price down by purchasing almost 30 of them. the O.S. is proprietary to monex and therefore Canadian,however the units are clearly marked MADE IN CHINA. They brag that it will work at minus 35 degrees C . aha..it gets really cold in north china. tip...years ago i had to close off the coin returns on my coin acceptors and so any coin not legit just falls into my safes. That turns out to be the best location for the card readers low and centered. Especially for the shorter folks and the handicapped.i literaly straddled the coin mechs covered up return hole.
They (monex) took 2 months to finally start depositing my daily sales. I had to make a pile of calls and e-mails to get things straightened out. Monex lists a 1 time administration fee of $ 50. What they don't tell you is that it's per tap unit! It cost me $ 400 to get the 8 units signed up. By then I had already bought them from Mondo, so I was stuck. I have had 1 unit (of 8) die in 16 months, so that's not too bad. To call them a "tap" and wash unit is a bit of a misnomer. You need to hold the C.C against the unit for 5-10 seconds for them to capture the data. I do have to help some customers with this. They are expecting to wave their card by the unit and it will work. It doesn't. The only good thing about this delayed capture is that it prevents accidental double taps. There is no cancel button, so accidental double taps would be a problem. I was at the grocery store the other day and witnessed an elderly lady accidently double taping her card. The cashier did a clear of her 2nd tap, so I know that double taps are poss. so the sales of the first 2 months never posted or did after your calling eventually post? and your in Canada. Hope my Texas experience is better. Worried.
Alot of bad press on Monex......I was hoping to get new recent information or results that are current from users or haters???
We are looking at options and need REAL feedback. I would start by installing at IBA paystations....then SS bays..
Any thoughts are appreciated...Thanks