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I.B. Washincars

Car Washer Emeritus
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
SW Indiana melon fields.
Free is good.... mostly curious why u went to three options? Also I guess you could remove th extra button and cover the hole...just my free advice....
I had an express open up just down the street from me. Instead of the normal cutthroat pricing, they went with 4 choices ranging from $8-15. My cheapest wash was $6, and the full menu was 6-7-8-10. The $7 was just wash/wax and was seldom purchased. Instead of giving them a reason to drop price if their wash didn't pan out, I figured I would just match them at $8 on the cheapest and just eliminate my wash/wax wash. So, I made my cheaper wash better, left the $10 pretty much the same, and made a better wash and charge $12. I haven't regretted it. The higher prices have offset what the competitor may or may not have gotten.