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Which way is best and why?
The meter may work but if they open your boxes your not making any $ if they can get the money back.By having seperte vaults they are les likely to attack the meters. This is one reason I used a seperate box for the bill acceptors. If they attack it, the meter still works and the bay is not out of order.
A local guy had half cylinders made of stainless bolted to the wall. They protrude a few inches from the wall with openings at the bottom for the vault and top for the meter box. They are filled with cement effectively recessing the vault and meter box opening a few inches.
Years ago it seems all the bay meters we centered in the bay, i had also done this with the second carwash i had, moved from the center to the end of the bay.When I remodeled, I removed the partially recessed meter boxes that were near the center of the bays (who ever thought that was a good location?) and, installed the new boxes about three feet from the entrance ends.
My brick mason then added a course of “jumbo brick” to each meter wall, basically thickening the entrance end of the walls. This made the boxes flush-mounted and allowed for the installation of coin safes on the end caps. Yea!!!, no more soaking wet coins or water damaged acceptors and timers. They look less like an afterthought and the chances of vandalism/theft is greatly reduced.
A few years later, I visited a new facility and wished I’d thought of his installation. His back-to-back meters fed coin safes, too. But, the thickened end walls were built like full height columns turned 45 degrees…think diamond-shape on the end of the wall This placed the meters in the driest part of the bays and at an angle so the customers could see the display timers from anywhere in the bay. The safes were just like mine, accessed from outside the bay. But, he never got soaked by a customer when he collected the money.
I think the incentive is to get $ , not just a free wash. Point being that whatever time it takes to repair damage does not put the bay out of order.The meter may work but if they open your boxes your not making any $ if they can get the money back.