What is the proper way to prevent a floating ground?
This is from Micron:
75va<transformer ÷ 24v = 3.12 amp. x this by 1.67 (167%) <allowable % of overcurrent = 5.21 amp.
I was having problems when I purchased all new ginsan gs-401 timers for the bays, I had installed momentary switches (stop and start) on each bay inside the equipment room to use when cleaning the bays, it would short terminals 2-3 to stop the timer which worked fine on the older ones, but not on the new ones, I didn’t change anything except the timers, ginsan came to the conclusion that shorting the newer timers in the same way would cause a surge and blow the fuse. Go figure, now I can only stop the timer on the timer itself by hitting the mode button and clear.