OK, we finished the maintenance of the entire Spot Free system.
After we replaced the Charcoal in the tank to remove Chlorine we immedeatly replaced the Sedimentary filter. We then let it run for 1 week.
Today we replaced the 3 Membranes and Sedimentary Filter. The sedimentary filter was almost black. I will be changing it again in a few days until it stops being black, and will check it every few weeks after that.
The 3 40" membranes we replaced as well. The first membrane was installed correctly and the brine seal looked great. The second brine seal was pulled back over itself, allowing bad water to escape by. The third membrane was installed completly upside down and the brine seal was pulled back over itself.
We removed the old ones, lubed the brine seal and reinstalled all of the new membranes in the correct direction, and from the correct end (to stop the brine seal from folding back over itself).
We rejected all of the water for 10-15 minutes so there was minimum pressure on the filters as they soaked with water. We then adjusted the reject/claim valve to where we are rejecting 5 gallons per minute, and making 2.5 gallons per minute at 165 psi. We let that water run on the ground for 15 minutes. Before we were maiking water at 97 TDS. In the 15 minutes we let it run on the ground it went from 19 at the very beginning all the way down to 1 TDS.
We also tested for free and total chlorine at the reject and it is 0.
I listed the numbers below, do they all look ok?
Reject 5gpm
Making 2.5 gpm so that is a 2:1 ratio, is that good?
The pressure was 165, we have always been told to stay below 180.
TDS of 1, I know that is good.
Thank you everyone for the help. I was glad to find something wrong when we removed the membranes so it felt like we fixed something. I love that I understand the system now and have a plan and checklists in place to monitor it much closer now.