Mac & others,
I was shocked when I shared with a sometimes local car wash installer-maintainer person ... recently related something to me. When I told him about when I recently firmly steered the contractor & gang of engineers responsible for our street's "recently replaced water mains" (last fall) making sure they did a whole lot better than a temporary garden hose which might be okay for a different type of business &/or residence.
The local machine shop person told me about the owners of that specific local car wash who actually put up with "the equivalent of temporarily" shutting down the car wash portion of their business. To be fair maybe the owner(s) were just caught "off guard"!
Wow ... mep is not just the ultimate helpful car wash expert for us ... he is also an expert at grammer!
On my previous post "back then" was to show that their methods have improved in the sense that they have isolated their piping better along with their "replacement technique" so "too long of a stretch" of waiting to test the infrastructure water pipes was no longer necessary.