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CoinCo Mag getting strung

I just saw this and had the same issue. I disabled the Refund button also. But for them to keep stringing they would have to use the wash or let it time out. most let it time out.. If it does time out, then the Wash World control calls me? I can look on the camera and see what's happening. Most thieves won't sit and wait for it to time out numerous times ( they are probably pissed the refund button doesn't work) and then try it again?. Does your wash call you if it has an issue with timeout on entrance? After this one change my stringing went away.

Yeah, as I said in a previous post I disabled the refund button long ago - this guy would just sit and wait for it to time out and do it again. I've disabled the call function (the customers can call me if they have a problem, don't need the wash calling me also).

I did finally get the new Mars validator in, and (knock on wood) haven't been strung since .. about 6 weeks now.
Most thieves won't sit and wait for it to time out numerous times After this one change my stringing went away.


I agree with fastlx ... based on the way Standard ChangeMakers time out long enough via a "tamper" setting within their specific 600EF verifier.
I was mentioning the wash entrance timeout. Why wouldn't you want the wash to alert you if a problem occurs. If you rely on customers telling you the wash isn't working that could be an issue. I have a nice camera system and also the WW HV will call me with any errors. Then I can decide to go to the wash or see if it is a simple re-measure? And it will auto-reset. Am I missing something here?