I have 4 Mag 62BB Coinco validators in meter boxes and 1 BP4SX Coinco validator in a change machine. I just got off the phone with Coinco and they said I would need to buy 3 different programmers to upgrade my two different validators. Two programmers are needed to upgrade to the new $5 bill and one more programmer is needed to reload the in-bay validators to accept coupons. This just seems crazy to me. The alternative is to remove all my validators and send then into Conco's service center which means I would be without a change machine for a week or two. This is the first time I have had to update validators. Are all brands this difficult/expensive to update? It looks like there are some definite opportunities to improve the design of these. I talked to my distributor but he said they also send them off for updates. How is everyone else dealing with upgrades?