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Considering Card Only Self Serve Car Wash

That is asking the customer to do too much work to use your business. When I was 'tokens only', I suppose customers could have run to the bank, converted their quarters they brought into dollars, driven back to my wash, fed the bills into my token machine and then washed the car. But DID they? No. they said: "This place sucks. F this!" and they left.

Restricting ways to pay may seem like a way to save time and increase security, but to me it's a mistake.
I expect that if a customer wishes to remain anonymous transaction wise there would be other avenues where this would benefit them as well.
We've done some sites for operators that are completely cashless, with mixed results. We've done several where they are strictly bills and credit card that, as far as I'm aware, are all happy with that decision. You really do have to know your customer base.

The movement to cashless payments is less about tinfoil hat beliefs of government tracking and more about extracting the most revenue from customers. Decades ago when ATM cards first appeared it didn't take long for banks and merchants to figure out that card could be used as a method of payment. Combine that with the reality that when people make purchases with plastic vs cash they tend to spend significantly more per transaction, 25-30% on average. The real issue is the amount of credit card debt in this country is staggering. I personally know people that make significantly less than I and have 10's of thousands in credit card debt. They'll probably never get out from under it.
Our customers are slowly making the cashless decisions for us. Quarter deposits are decreasing. Bill deposits have risen some, partly due to higher start price, while card use is growing each year at a faster rate.
I too have been considering cashless but too many of my customers do not have credit or debit cards. So I will be adding tokens first to my bays and vacuum . Looking at replacing my changer with a Credit Card to token machine built by DWS as they have acquired the old IDX token data base and marketing rights from the former IDX owners. I found the DWS contact information from Kleen Rite, as they are selling the X12 token acceptor.
Randy, DWS "Dynamic Wash Soultions" is a fairly new group of guys, however it is made up with wash owners and former equipment manufacturers. You can contact them at 870-862-3468 or sales@dwsequip.com. They build their own touchless IBA, tankless self-service, Auto entry Kiosks, changers, credit card to token kiosk and a lot more. They are also bringing in 2 models of CBK touchless automatics and updating the onboard electronics as well as some of the hardware for the America's. They said they will be stocking parts as well as at least having 1 machine each of the IBA's in there inventory.

Yes, it is easy to add a credit card reader only to a changer. However, I want a receipt printer, nice HMI screen, and be able to offer loyalty options when purchasing tokens with credit card and or with cash.
My friend who went cashless in January 2023 at a 3/2 said his 2023 P&L shows gross was up 10% over 2022. Granted 2023 was a good year and I too was up over 2022. But I think that is at least a reasonable argument that while it may not extract every quarter possible from a customer that it can work, and is a much simpler operation to run. This wash is in a middle class community and had tons of vocal opposition from the customers the first few weeks. You know, the customers that say "I'm going to the wash on the other side of town and never coming back" as they drive off types. He ignored them and went forward with the plan and it's working for him. Frankly I think he would have been happy even with a slight loss to his gross but he is thrilled with the results and is now an advocate for cashless. He now has three cashless sites and one gated site that still accepts cash ($10 fee). Collection wise, all he has to do is get the cash out of the two paystations at the gated site a couple times a week. It's created a lot of free time for his manager and IMO make the properties more attractive to investor-types.
My friend who went cashless in January 2023 at a 3/2 said his 2023 P&L shows gross was up 10% over 2022. Granted 2023 was a good year and I too was up over 2022. But I think that is at least a reasonable argument that while it may not extract every quarter possible from a customer that it can work, and is a much simpler operation to run. This wash is in a middle class community and had tons of vocal opposition from the customers the first few weeks. You know, the customers that say "I'm going to the wash on the other side of town and never coming back" as they drive off types. He ignored them and went forward with the plan and it's working for him. Frankly I think he would have been happy even with a slight loss to his gross but he is thrilled with the results and is now an advocate for cashless. He now has three cashless sites and one gated site that still accepts cash ($10 fee). Collection wise, all he has to do is get the cash out of the two paystations at the gated site a couple times a week. It's created a lot of free time for his manager and IMO make the properties more attractive to investor-types.


Did you convert your washes to Cashless, if not why? Me I will no longer dispense cash, only accept it along with tokens. The only credit card will be at the Token dispenser and when my internet is down I will still accept cash and or tokens in the bays. Maybe you never have the internet or cell tower go down. I do quite often.

I personally know several operators on the west coast with multipool location's that are very pleased with their credit card to token dispensers. They are using the X-Mark tokens and do not get anybody's else's tokens. Also they are accepting credit cards as well on everything.

I wasn't getting that from your other posts. All the ones I can think of put in a credit card to token solution in lieu of credit cards on everything. Even so, I don't see the utility of have a credit card to token solution if you're already taking credits cards in the bays outside of a bit of redundancy.

Did you convert your washes to Cashless, if not why? Me I will no longer dispense cash, only accept it along with tokens. The only credit card will be at the Token dispenser and when my internet is down I will still accept cash and or tokens in the bays. Maybe you never have the internet or cell tower go down. I do quite often.

I will likely convert at least one wash to see for myself. However, a tunnel is opening within a block of the wash I intended to convert, and I would like to gauge the impact of that before I convert. I hope to be brave enough to implement by the end of 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed this reading this feed. Some opinions from the new guy.
I accept the 4 types of money.
& Tap & Pay.

What I like.
Having more options means you're getting the sale either way as you have all options covered.

I charge double if you use a card. You pay for two washes and right away I have doubled the wash from a $3 to $6. Many don't trust the credit card swipe due to skimmer / it is so much easier. I worked at Lowes when I first purchased my wash to get discounts on products. Over 30% of customers would put their phone/card on the bill acceptor even tho we never did tap and pay. Those people were doing it before I even told them the price! With tap I have less than 10% use the credit swipe.

When I bought the wash I was told it was a 80% cash 20% credit. Now with the addition of tap I'm probably at 50/50.