I have 2 WS 2's. Both of them have quarters jam up in the so called "rolling coin chute" all the time. I have had 3 coin jams in the last 2 days. I tried buying new ones - they started jamming up within a month or two. Then I tried polishing the inside of the chute with extra fine emery cloth. Then I tried putting armor all and wax inside the chute. Then I drilled the 2 mounting holes out a little and cocked the chute on the hopper to give it more angle. Then I tried putting a shim behind the top of the hopper to give it more angle. And I clean the inside of the coin hopper each time I have a jam, but I don't find any excessive dirt or grit. I also started washing and drying my quarters before putting them in the hopper so that I did not introduce any dirty coins. Nothing has worked. I have several coin jams per week. Anybody have any other fixes for this problem? I am considering taking the entire hopper assembly mount off of the bottom of the WS2, putting an inch of washers under it, and then putting it back on. then I could tip the bottom of the coin chute down considerably more than it is now and give the chute a lot steeper angle. Anyone tried that ? Or any other fixes? Other than the coin chute it is a great machine, but I am very frustrated with it.