A Wealth of Choices: Big, Small, Close-By, and Eager To Serve
Ecolab is big, but that doesn't make them better; simply bigger. There are dozens of good regional chemical companies in your 3-state area. If you like national companies, a very high profile supplier is Turtle Wax. There are many others in the ajoining states, too.
Bigger companies have the
marketing clout to create a national brand with products that are familiar mainly because they advertise to the broad national market. Nevertheless, you can find the same equal-to products locally; sometimes better.
First, determine what the products you currently use are costing you per/vehicle. If they are working, use them as your baseline. Then, invite other suppliers to show you their products in a similar system, so you ensure compatibility. Determine the cost per vehicle with all the test products, and judge if their performance meets your ideal for cleaning, fragrance, packaging, and field support. The test should cost you nothing because most companies will provide all the stuff for free... simply to get an opportunity to gain a new customer. Keep the cost of shipping or delivery in mind, too. You need to evaluate bottom-line cost to your
Many smaller companies will actually be able to tailor their poduct to your specific needs, especially when it comes to fragrance. They may work with you side-by-side to tweak their products to suit your needs.
So, don't be overwhelmed by the national brand advertising image. Smart operators have their own performance criteria, and shop, shop, shop until they find a more cost-effective alternative. It's actually a continuous evaluation process, and well worth the effort. If you focus on dollar-per-vehicle performance that meets or exceeds your "ideal", you may find the efficient answer right in your own area... and be able to cut your expenses by 50% or more while achieving a satisfiable product.
Everything is negotiable, so once you find what you want, make sure the company will become a supply partner who understands your needs... and the way you want to do business with your suppliers. Smaller companies may be more flexible.
Hope this helps.