More of the same...
Tough economic times are the incubator for innovation that adapts to the needs of the marketplace. My carwashes were flourishing, mostly due to my focus on the consumer... and targeting what customers wanted. I was young and confident enough that ignoring convention came easy. That's when this was purely a cash business... with no computers. Just money. In fact, I was pulled into consulting in 1969 due to my pioneering with menu-
marketing and developing "extra services" that allowed my carwashes to generate the highest dollar-per-car in the country for decades. No brag, just fact. My reason for telling you this: It's time to innovate... and focus on the consumer. Get off your seat... and engage your customers and provide the needed "help". Assess how you can distinguish your operation... and take your customers off-the-market from others. The rewards are huge! Price won't do it, but "value" will play a significant role.
The customer is still king; although in most cases, queen... because women have nudged into first place over the past decade. If your operation isn't the consumer's favorite place to get a carwash or detail, find out why... and adapt. Be the nicest place to visit, and visits will happen more frequently. Quality is still primary... but quality doesn't stop at the carwash. It must be conscientiously extended to the customer's individual experience. Done properly, even Chicken Little will be a fan.
When I developed flex-serve, resiliency was part of the formula that positioned the operation to adapt and remain sensitive to any marketplace. Having lived through 4 decades of carwashing & hands-on detailing services, I knew it was essential to provide a durable yet pliable and versatile operating platform. It will weather this... and future storms better than any other tunnel format.
Hope my long-winded encouragement helps you sleep better. Simply adjust... and adapt, and all will remain well.[/SIZE]