Welcome to customer strangeness 101
We have had customers who do not read the sign next to the
credit card reader on how it works blame me or the Paystation when their cc does not work. One guy the. Took a cone and placed it front of the IBA. My helper assumed that I did the cone and never called me (we discussed that issue about assumptions). I moved all cones out of sight so someone needs to be told where they are located.
Another customer moved a cone I placed infront the automatic as I was servicing the system, paid for a wash and was surprised to see me on a ladder greasing my machine as they were entering the bay. I now keep the front door open whenever I am doing servicing and use two cones in different areas of the Paystation so the message is clear.
We have closed SS bays with cones when a part needs to be replaced, walked away to find the part, and then find a customer in the bay who turns to me to complain that the bay got him wet and is not working properly (yelling at me). I asked him why he ignored the cone in the front of the bay. He said well I entered from the other side (labeled exit side). I now use a cone on both the front and rear of a ss bay so the message is clearer.
Carwash owners have some amazing stories that you just cannot make up. The good part is that they make my wife laugh when recounted. I just need to laugh with her.
We will power down a bay in non winter months so people do not lose money but in winter that just triggers the weep system so not possible.