Cryptopay Tap installs with the Cryptopay swiper.But this has to be installed along w/ Cryptopay swipe?
They didn't charge you. Same thing happened to me I was in that small batch and they said we can send back and they will repair free of charge.We put one on our Hamilton Gold line over two years ago when KR got the first small batch. A few months ago I started getting complaints that it wasn't working but was still seeing taps on my Cryptopay dashboard so I didn't think much about it. Later after looking closer the amount of taps we were getting was probably half of what it used to be. We did some experimenting with different cards plus Mrs Our town's Iphone. (My phone doesn't have tap to pay capability) Some worked and done didn't. After talking to Cryptopay we determined it was going bad and ordered another. The new one seems to work fine now but the amount of taps is still pretty low. Maybe some people got frustrated and haven't tried again in the last few weeks. The old one was sent back and looks like it was repaired or replaced (it looks new) but it doesn't look like they charged us. Maybe because it was one of the first ones and they knew there was an issue? When we get around to installing our larger meter boxes in bays we will for sure be installing them on the doors. I'm on the fence about installing them on the vacs.
Yeh, that seems like a no brainier. Like id think that would be moved to "URGENT" for R&D.I gotta admit I didn't know tap was "a thing" until a couple Years ago. Now I actively look for a tap sensor every time I use a credit card.
Would love to see cryptopay make a compact integrated unit for a reasonable cost.
Thought I would you give an update. Installed Crypto tap for my 7 bays about a week ago. So far, I see around 30% customers are using It. I am happy so far with the decision.
Very good decision they will pay for themselves quicklyThought I would you give an update. Installed Crypto tap for my 7 bays about a week ago. So far, I see around 30% customers are using It. I am happy so far with the decision.
If you ever need those buttons I have tons.I put both swipe and tap on new meter doors 18 months ago (2 units). Both Taps quit working within the last month about 2 weeks apart from each other. Both show connected in crypto, but blue light is not working. Not sure its worth replacing at $400 each. Swipers are still working so thats good.