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Cryptopay swipers keep shorting out.


Car Washer
I added the Cryptopay system to my 4 bay wash last summer. The system was very easy to set up, and get going. However, the swipers don't seem to last more than a few weeks until they get water in them and short out. I've had to replace the swipers in each bay several times, totalling about a dozen swipers in total that we've gone through.

The folks at cryptopay have been good about it; replacing them under warranty. However, when the last one died, they told me they will no longer replace them.

So now, I have 2 out of my 4 bays with dead swipers in them. And at $350 per unit, it def does not make economic sense to replace them if I have to pay out of pocket.

The cryptopay folks keep telling me that the swipers are waterproof, however when I open my bay box doors and tilt them down, water comes running out of them.

Anybody else having this problem? I surely can't be the only one.
I have Cryptopay in 5 locations totaling 20 bays. I put my first location in about a year ago and added a new location about very 2 months. Out of 20 swipes I have had to replace about 5. The stop button quit working on each of the 5 swipers that went bad. The units would work but they would not stop and go to the max charge. The newer swipers and the replacements they sent have a slightly different design on the stop buttons and I don't think I have had any of the new type fail.

I wonder if your customers are spraying the swipers at point blank range trying to get free time. How are yours failing? Do they quit working all together or is it the stop button?

Doug P
This is a disturbing post! I was planning to purchase an inbay credit card system at the SWCA this weekend. I sure hope Cyptopay gets their act togather and takes care of you. Please keep us posted.
I will stop at their booth and see what they have to say.
Had the same problem, replaced swiper after swiper. My system was count up, changed the swipers and changed to count down and have not had a problem. I believe it is a problem with the system when it is in the count up mode. Change to count down and see if it makes a difference.
Sorry to hear you're having so much trouble Axxlrod. There is a sealed pocket where the read head is, a very small amount of water can pool in the bottom of that but should not go into the main cavity that holds the circuit board. Perhaps this is the water you see draining from the unit? The front of the unit should be fine, however on the back of the unit where the wires exit the back-plate is a grommet and a bit of sealant to keep water from wicking past the wires. We have started sealing that grommet as best we can but it cant hurt to put a bit more sealant on the back-plate of the swiper when you mount the unit just in case. Bathroom caulk or something similar will work, just be sure to note the numbers on the back of the swiper for future reference. Also the unit is made to be mounted to a box so there is not a direct flow of water on the back side of it, if you do have a fair amount of condensation inside the box the unit is mounted to, I would also suggest hanging the swipers wires down below the unit so the water will drip off and not flow directly towards the grommet.

Doug, as far as the button you are correct. Our first generation of product used a flat faced button that had a high failure rate from the manufacturer. This seemed to be completely random and we couldn't tie it to a particular batch. After trying to work with the manufacturer with little success we switched to a different button that sticks out from the face of the swiper and is a bit smaller. This has eliminated the problems we were seeing. Obviously this fell under our warranty and we have replaced all the offending units we are aware of.

If anyone reading this is experiencing any issues I highly suggest you call our tech support as soon as possible and if necessary take advantage of our warranty. We want to continue to improve our product and we want our customers to happy with their purchase.
I have 2 bays w/cryptopay and am very happy. i had bad stop buttons and they were replaced lickety split.

getting good results w/cc sales in the bays.
My system is in count-up mode. I don't see how that would make a difference though. Water will short out electrics no matter how they are set.

Never had a problem with the stop button.

I've never witnessed any customers spraying the swipers directly from close-range hoping to get free-time.

I started adding my own silicone to the back side of the swipers where the screw holes and wire hole are in an effort to add more water proofing, but that hasn't seem to help.

I will continue to do what I can, but if this problem is still happening in a few months when the warranty runs out, I'll be forced to remove the whole system.
I've had 6 swipers installed for about 8 months now and the only problems I've had were that the green light on the button would not be lit and only the top light of the waterfall would work. The units still seemed to function, but without the lights. I have had 4 replaced under warranty and after replacing two last week, just had another exhibit the same issue. Has anyone else had this problem?
Slash, yes the LEDs were another issue with an older generation of product that did carry over until early-mid last year. After that we made changes to our circuit board to prevent this. Unfortunately 8 months ago probably puts you right before this issue was resolved. Have you had that same issue with any of the replacements or any units newer than mid last year? I'd call Tom our tech support guy and get that swiper replaced asap, sounds like it will be covered under warranty.
Slash, yes the LEDs were another issue with an older generation of product that did carry over until early-mid last year. After that we made changes to our circuit board to prevent this. Unfortunately 8 months ago probably puts you right before this issue was resolved. Have you had that same issue with any of the replacements or any units newer than mid last year? I'd call Tom our tech support guy and get that swiper replaced asap, sounds like it will be covered under warranty.

I plan on calling in the morning. So far the only trouble I have had with the replacement swipers is that today I noticed one swiper that I put in last week is missing the 3rd waterfall light. It goes 1,2 then 4 and skips the 3rd led.
We have 4 swipers, in use about a year. One had a light issue and was replaced with no problems at all. Very happy with our return on the Cryptopay. One of the best things we have done at the wash.
we have over well over 50 readers, located in car wash bays and vacuums. systems have been installed close to two years now. have not had water problem
s. when installing these units when to a lot of work to make sure that the factory seal made good contact with meter housing and that wires ran down so water went away. have had problems with early switches causing unit to not turn off. that now appears to have been corrected. The display lights attract customers to use the credit card. Looks great at night, but some displays are only working on a few lights with some burnt out, a little disappointed on this item. Had one time were a drunk driver destroyed a 16000 volt transformer which shorted and destroyed all electronics in one car wash. Crypto pay came thru with a new system in 5 days delivered. have had excellent support for crypto and when installing a new or adding a cc reader their response has been out standing. Consider our choice in cc units we are very happy with crypto pay equipment and their service
Have 25 swipes for 1 year. Never had a problem until Dec 2013. Have had all the same problems plus have had 4 swipes start to count up without stopping. In the process of replacing them. Some will be covered some will not. Used silicone on the grommet hole from the start. Not real happy. When the system was running the first flawless year had a great return. If I have to now pay to replace most swipes not worth it. Had 14 swipes go bad in a one month time. Cannot see any customer vandalizing swipes on cameras. Why did they work for almost a year now dropping off like flies. Will keep you updated on outcome and hopefully a reason why so many so quickly gone bad.
.>>>>>>>. Had 14 swipes go bad in a one month time. ......... Will keep you updated on outcome and hopefully a reason why so many so quickly gone bad.

Just a thought - Any unusual weather conditions during that time? I.e. unusualy cold causing trapped moisture to freeze?
Just a thought - Any unusual weather conditions during that time? I.e. unusualy cold causing trapped moisture to freeze?

I thought the same thing, but I went through last winter (cold) without incident. Also the moisture would not freeze because the swipers actually are warm when energized. Enough to prevent freezing. Also my swipers went bad before the polar freeze. It was in the 40 f when they started to act up.
quite a few years ago we moved all meters to out side of bay meter is fully enclosed in block work, was expensive, but now our maintance has dropped to a very low level and we also have bill acceptors installed. water damage is no longer a problem.
I don't know how many units are installed total compared to all these failures; however, the above failures are surprisingly HIGH especially considering the high number of units all failing in the same location(s), and the diversity of failure(s) for different reasons whether button, swiper, or whatever.

Question-- of those who have had multiple equipment failures, are your meter boxes in-bay which get a lot of spray (unintentional) and in contrast how has the experience been for those that have meter boxes like cmawash that are removed from the potential of spray?
We were at the SWCA show in Arlington, TX. Sunday and talked to the owners of the company about this problem. My impression was that you could not find a nicer guy or someone more dedicated to having a top notch company. Also talked to several operators at the booth and everyone was extremely happy with the system. Having said this I am still extremely concerned about installing this at any of my washes. Will be following up with them later this week.
As someone who was thinking of installing a few cryptopay readers at my wash, I find the feedback very distrubing with all the troubles I am hearing about this product. Carwash bays are wet all the time. I would think that sealing the product would be of top concern if I were designing a piece of equipment to go in a carwash bay. I wouldn't expect to have to put silicone on brand new equipment because it wasn't designed watertite to start with. I guess I will put this in the wait and see list and check back in several months and see if these issues are getting any better before I make a decision. Thanks for all the feedback.