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CryptoPay | Worldpay cram down ripe for class action lawsuit?

Should there be a class action lawsuit against Worldpay and/or CryptoPay?

  • Yes Worldpay only

  • Yes Worldpay and Cryptopay

  • No

  • I don't know / Undecided

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Really frustrated with CryptoPay and Worldpay right now. I had my first chargeback ($3 charge) which doesn't show on the statement but I was alerted with a separate letter. I went ahead and disputed it even though it wasn't worth the time and they agreed. Now I see a $15.50 "INCOMING CHARGEBACKS - 6960" charge.

Called Worldpay and as always can barely understand them then got to someone in billing (Mr. Hill) who spoke clear english. He couldn't tell me what the charge was for though (e.g. was it a charge for refuting the chargeback or just a chargeback fee). I requested a fee schedule which he said he would send but have not seen anything yet.

Called CryptoPay and eventually talked to Wesley the Technical Services Supervisor who deals directly with WorldPay. I told him I was very frustrated with the fact I've spent a lot of money on these swipers and would not have done so knowing that only Worldpay is the processor and they're so shady on their fees and impossible to deal with.

Wesley said CryptoPay negotiated the same fees for all their customers but he know details of what they were and said ultimately I signed a contract with WorldPay and that would be governing. He also said there's a choice between a monthly fee or per chargeback fee but didn't know what I was on (may have changed after I complained about their other fees and worked w/ CrytpoPay to change). He said at one time they had other processors but the service was not good and they went solely with WorldPay because WorldPay would work with them and he has contacts he can call and try to work issues out with whereas they didn't get much responsiveness from other processors when there were issues.

I told Wesley there should be something in writing in black and white showing what the fees are that they negotiated and what exactly our options are with regard to chargeback or annual or monthly fees. He agreed and said he would work something up and send it to me (have not seen yet, will be happy to share if he delivers).

Afterward I looked at my Worldpay contract and it says I should be charged $2.50 for chargeback handling.

I think the key take away other than Worldpay sucks is that CryptoPay is capable of allowing customers to go with other processors but they choose to operate a monopoly and give us no choice (I can't imagine another company being worse). Further that Worldpay is I believe a shady company especially on the chargeback fees and is regularly operating with predatory and unfair business practices. I believe the situation is ripe for a class action lawsuit against Worldpay and perhaps Cryptopay.
Welcome tp the CC swipe world. As a gasoline retailer, before Chips which happened a year ago due to various delays, I would get BS chargebacks every couple months and of course they were $25 or more. So, the rare Cryptopay chargeback is a minor annoyance - so much so that I opted for the per chargeback charge as opposed to monthly. Consider it CODB.
Better Call Saul 😬……I understand the frustration because the majority of us have cryptopay. I would hope w enough blowback crypto would start searching other processors!!
From what I've been told, Cryptopay has a "deal" with WorldPay and gets a kickback from every transaction. They probably negotiated a better kickback from WorldPay. Also from what I've been told, they used to work with another processor (I think it was FirstData) who were much less of a hassle to deal with, and Cryptopay forced a changeover to WorldPay. Cryptopay can use whichever processor they choose.
A lot of the credit card system equipment providers in the car wash industry require the operator to use their approved credit card merchant processor because the credit card system equipment providers have negotiated a percentage from every credit card transaction. This transaction fee goes back to the credit card system equipment provider and is used for customer service/support etc. If you bought a credit card system and were able to use your own credit processor you’d have to pay a monthly subscription the credit card equipment manufacture for customer service or a service call fee for every time you called customer service with a credit card equipment problem.
Charge backs suck! And it’s too easy for the customer to call their credit card company and contest a credit card charge and get it taken off their account, it happens a lot. What you’re dealing with is the dishonest customers who will call their credit card company and bitch about a credit card charge at a car wash and they’ll get it taken off their account. If the public knew how easy it is there would be a lot more charge backs. Sorry to say there isn't a whole lot you can do about, it's just the cost of doing business with credit cards.
Hamilton has made a similar exclusive deal with WorldPay for their new chip ready swiper. When we used the new reader it did not work all the time so we reverted back to the basic swiper which processes cards faster. We were also able to switch to Chase who has much better service and lower fees. Frustrating when hardware providers give you only one option.
.......... What you’re dealing with is the dishonest customers ........
You are also dealing with the Golden Rule. He who has the gold rules. So, the deep pocket credit card companies make the rules. Had a chargeback at the gas station from a customer with an unusual name, tracked him down and asked why the chargeback. He said CC Company issued a card in his name to a crook who was using it an he had a huge headache with these charges - not just at my location. So, the CC issuer messes up and shifts the burden to the merchant - because they can.
Hamilton has made a similar exclusive deal with WorldPay for their new chip ready swiper. When we used the new reader it did not work all the time so we reverted back to the basic swiper which processes cards faster. We were also able to switch to Chase who has much better service and lower fees. Frustrating when hardware providers give you only one option.

Are you using some alternative for a kiosk / vacuum application other than CryptoPay?
with Hamilton GL and the swiper style cc reader we have several processor options.
For vacuums and in bays we use CryptoPay u til we find a solid alternative solution. We have looked at PayRange, Monex and Nayax. Not much better than CryptoPay so we stay the course until a true alt is available.
I had first data when it was available. They were much better to deal with. I don't know why they ever got rid of them. I dread calling world pay worse than going to the dentist.
CryptoPay is fairly inexpensive when compared to others. Even with the chargebacks, we are still paying less than we were with the DAN system