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CWSS's Elite Club membership goes to $199

I just looked it up and it was rolled out Spring 2019. Yikes. Time just screams by.
I have not paid for shipping from KR since points roll out. Feb and August are free shipping months from KR anyhow. To add to discussion, the Windtrax store south of us keeps getting better.
Ordering online has to be easier than buying directly from the store. This place is a real PITA to do a counter sale. You have to call your order in. Then drive to pick up your order. Then call when you get there and set in your car for 10 or 15 minutes until they feel like unlocking the door so you can get in. I think they would rather just be a mail order business.
Just bought (2) 3/8" ASCO solenoids from CWSS and they said having the Elite Membership saved me $19 and some change in shipping charges...Being a small 4 bay SS and NOT getting my chemicals through them still makes sense to pay for the membership even though it doesn't make me happy! I get my vending supplies through them several times a year which is a lot heavier than just 2 solenoids, I'm sure my shipping charges would be over $199 for the year...Before I joined CWSS, I didn't seem to do enough business with KR to take advantage of the free shipping which forced me to take advantage of CWSS's free shipping w/membership.... So the small operators out there are kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place...Cost to operate keeps going up at a higher rate!
they said having the Elite Membership saved me $19 and some change in shipping charges
I remember when shipping costs weren't much of a concern. When I first started working for a distributor and helped in the warehouse, most of the shipping costs were under $4 for smaller packages up to maybe five pounds. I recently ordered some brass fittings, and one item was backordered. That backorder was $24 shipping, it wasn't even two pounds and came from only four hours away. That's twice what the product cost. I'm usually careful to make sure my orders are "ship complete," but I missed this one because they've never backordered anything before.
A lot of companies add a handling fee to every order, some are as high as $10 per order, this covers the shipping materials, the labor for the person pulling the order etc. I got a box in today for the bill changer side of the house that weighed 7 lbs. the shipping was $76, the handling fee and insurance is a big part of that $76.
We pretty much know how much soap, wax, vending supplies, small parts etc. that we are going to need for 6 months so we order everything from Kleen-rite when they have the show special and again in the fall.
Yeah, shipping has indeed skyrocketed. I just shipped a timer in a 6x6x6 box to dixmor for repair. It weighed less than a pound. t was $13 bucks if I recall. It seems like a few years ago it was half that.