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Do You Post Political Signs?

Do You Post Political Signs

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • No

    Votes: 14 87.5%

  • Total voters
With the election season having heated up, I was wondering how many of you post political signage on your properties. Besides campaign signs, what comes to my mind as well is posting signage related to referendums.

We've posted political signage. Most of them are friends whose political beliefs match our areas. One time, there was a bad judge in town we campaigned against. It didn't work.

"Hmmm ... bad judge ... it didn't work."

The risk might be worth it to keep those kind of horrific "kangaroo court" judges to a minimum in one's locality!

Your post is an example of needing a "safe enough" setting to show a valid basis rather than just a sign or for that matter just "slick sound bites".

If the bad (not always just a label) persons are the only ones to show up in numbers with whatever ... houston ... we have a problem!
I agree with the church and state approach to Biz… separate them!

IMHO ... We need to be vigilant from unconsciously (brainwashed into) allowing the "government elected" entities being the church of "no after-life & consequences ... only happen if legal minutia is not 100% met by whoever" & the also the church of "selective & grossly uneven" legal enforcement etc.!!! Based on our constitution ... properly elected persons tend to have the most authority along with a bit of "bully pulpit" etc.

That only happens if we get the "best quality" people to be at every government level eventually in office. By best quality ... those who have better "root cause" policies ... in terms of "culture of life" vs "culture of death" & ultimately have proven themselves by their actions!

It is a matter of sizing up our situation but realizing there may be some risk along with effort. I do not regret allowing some political promos on our "laundromat community bulletin board" over the years. Also when the prospective "known well enough" local sheriff candidate in person asks me to allow his election sign on my front lawn (busy 25mph designated thru street) at home without any clue of coercion from him or anyone else ... you better believe I unashamedly will help his campaign!
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I could not be more serious. Research and study on how to use quotation marks. You come off like a sixth grader.

Your rhetoric is also off-topic.
I could not be more serious. Research and study on how to use quotation marks. You come off like a sixth grader.

Your rhetoric is also off-topic.

Are you sure you & some others don't need to do some proper "First Amendment" research???!!!
Are you sure you & some others don't need to do some proper "First Amendment" research???!!!
I really don't mean this as an attack, though I'm sure you will take it that way. I have a degree in creative writing with a minor in technical writing and I can assure you, your posts are nearly indecipherable. A little studying of the English language could vastly improve that.
I am pretty sure that a worthwhile percentage of forum members will agree that there is a "substance over form" factor anytime anybody makes the effort & time to communicate.

Hopefully, most of us are able to see through unnecessary "gaslighting" techniques that show up occasionally during any type of discussion ... regardless of what the venue should happen to be.