Thank you all for your well wishes! I organized a surprise birthday party for my wife last night in our home town. I think the surprise was on the realities who had not to seen my wife since we were in last in town. Just 6 days after surgery and she is walking around like nothing happened (almost). She has all her hair, looks great and was smiling all night long. One of her little nieces asked why she still had all of her hair and Deb told her that she has always donated her hair to locks of love (they use the hair to make wigs for kids with cancer, Deb made the longest donation in our city with her last hair cut) and she thinks that is why she did not lose any hair. You could see the wheels spinning in this girls head and Deb hopes her conclusion was if you help others it will come back to you. The lack of hair loss was due to the mild chemo drug (5FU) and the radiation treatment area. The party was a big success and put everyone a little more at ease with Deb's condition and also made my wife feel better about everyone worrying about her.
Thanks again for the support.