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Electric cars

At this stage it easy to point out lots of issues with electric cars - purchase price, range, battery life etc.

But I am of the view that over time, there will be a gradual transition from internal combustion to electric, probably with hybrid vehicles bridging the gap for some time. We also own an automotive workshop, and already making sure that our guys are getting training in hybrids and electric vehicles so we are not left behind. I don't want to be the guy shouting "electric vehicles are no good" as I watch my business slowly fall apart.

My guess is that the automotive service and repair industry will end up significantly smaller than it is now, but given the lack of people willing to train up to be competent auto technicians, there will still be enough work for those that want to remain in the industry. Also, I think that some vehicles will likely remain internal combustion longer than others - heavy commercial, agricultural etc. so there will remain a market to service and repairs these vehicles for a longer time frame.
I want to be clear that I'm not against electric cars and do find them somewhat interesting. What bothers me is our governments' push of the farce idea that they are overall more environmentally friendly than gas or diesel burners. Also it is very likely you are supporting slavery (mining of battery minerals) if you buy one. Just turn a blind eye to that for progress.
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Don't forget California warned all EV owners to NOT charge their cars over Labor Day weekend to minimize rolling blackouts....EV's consist of only 1% of the cars on the road in that state and charging these cars could cause Blackouts?! Seriously? They are saying by 2035 they will ban the sale of ALL combustion engine cars and trucks....So if the power grid won't even support 1% of the EV's on the road, how will they handle more?! I don't see any break-throughs on power generation or new power plants being built that use something other than fossil fuels. Yea we are seeing an increase in wind mills and solar panels....But....

I've read articles we have 400+ years of oil supply in the US...Surely they can come up wth a better way to power cars before that runs out....For now, overloading our power grid is only going to cause other problems...

Honorable Mention! Range Extender for an EV car! We won't go into inefficiencies of charging batteries with a generator! This one is elaborate....Other photos I've seen strap a regular generator on the back of the car! Inefficiencies, Extra Weight, and Drag, etc. What are we really gaining? ...I have yet to see an EV produced with Solor panels which might be a Plus...But oh wait...This truely is free energy...How would they tax it?! This basically shows they are really not worried about conserving resources...

Like OurTown, I'm not against EV's....I just don't want it rammed down my throat as the only option when there are so many issues with it. They have a long way to go before I would consider it.

I have yet to see an EV produced with Solor panels which might be a Plus

I have been thinking this for a while and from what I understand they can't put enough on them to do much. Some manufacturers are now considering it though. It would nice if they could at least have enough to get the car off the road to a safer area or maybe slowly limp to a charging station.
Not sure on the initial cost-expense price comparison but the below may be the wave of the future ... especially for larger "more power & longevity power required" vehicles etc?

FWIW ... I remember many moons ago when I was shopping for a brand new motorcycle ... an experienced biker warned me about future parts availability for some brand-models.
Here is the bigger issue--all these evs are not paying gas tax. Roads and bridges are literally falling apart in every state, but these owners get a free pass. I would guess we are 20-30 years behind in building needed roads, and now we are going to collect less road funds via gas taxes.

But the idiots in charge do not care. They are more concerned with allowing little boys being able to go to the little girls bathrooms if they so choose. Did I say IDIOTS!
Most states do charge a surcharge at registration time to make up for had tax revenue. Here, in mn, its about $350
Was talking to an owner of an electric car and had to listen to him brag because his car has zero emissions. The smile went away when I asked him where that electricity came from. Yup, mostly from coal and gas fired power plants.
Was talking to an owner of an electric car and had to listen to him brag because his car has zero emissions. The smile went away when I asked him where that electricity came from. Yup, mostly from coal and gas fired power plants.
An evolution in process.