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F4 tornado hit our wash

Ok, the adjuster came took pics, measurements, drone footage, etc...
Then said he is a traveling preliminary adjuster
The actual claims adjuster would come later this week , when assigned. Well, guy was assigned today. But, he told me the original adjuster would do it as he is not a field adjuster.
So... wth? Already getting the run around.

This is State Auto, who bought out Midlothian. Anyone else dealt with them?

Talk to your lawyer. In many states it's within your rights to hire a private adjuster. I have some customers in Florida that got crushed by Ian that are doing that. The adjuster usually gets a percentage(5-10%) of what they get you so it's in their interest to fight for as much as they can.
Talk to your lawyer. In many states it's within your rights to hire a private adjuster. I have some customers in Florida that got crushed by Ian that are doing that. The adjuster usually gets a percentage(5-10%) of what they get you so it's in their interest to fight for as much as they can.
It's not a rights issue and no need to spend on an attorney. Anybody can hire an independent adjuster to represent them. here is a starting place for you Coach.. https://claimsmate.com/find-a-texas-public-adjuster/
Not much good to say about insurance companies. They want to take the monthly premiums but will never pay out when you need it. (At least without a figh). Good luck!
Slow playing me. I'm the adjuster, no wait Im the real adjuster.
Gonna send Forensic auditors. Anybody know what to expect w/ that? They're involved for "loss of income" claim.
Also sending structural engineer & a company that specializes in major damage claims.
State Auto has been flat out rude & slow.
Also told me I won't get any loss of income til Im rebuilt & running. WTF?!!🧐🙄😡😡
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Read Policy. Lost income can start after a small window - Start assembling info. I took Prior 3 years month by month and then took the average of those 3 calender months for income. Expenses are a little different. Some things like utilities you can do month by month but some things like soap you may buy every few months s I took annual Soap expense as a factor of annual income - Let's say sop was 10% amount of annual income I used that percentage as the monthly soap cost etc.
Re: "loss of income"--- let's say we make $20k avg/ month. & spend avg of $10k. But that $10k includes a dbl mortgage of $4500.
Will they gimme a monthly check for $20k? Or $20k - $10k expenses= $10k check? If it's #2, i won't make a dam profit. So, why pay for it, if no profit?
income is income... income is not your cashflow (income minus expenses). Keep it simple. Provide proof of income.
I have written documentation of All IBA washes on my Razor & SoftGloss , since Jan 1 --'Oct 31.
Im really hoping that is taken into consideration, & actually used.
Re: "loss of income"--- let's say we make $20k avg/ month. & spend avg of $10k. But that $10k includes a dbl mortgage of $4500.
Will they gimme a monthly check for $20k? Or $20k - $10k expenses= $10k check? If it's #2, i won't make a dam profit. So, why pay for it, if no profit?
It is operating income less operating expenses. Mortgages, real Estate Taxes, insurance, etc. are Fixed Expenses. Some items like Garbage pickup may be as well since you typically monthly and it won't go down if you are not operating and have no garbage.
Have an accounting service document your income on their letterhead. Makes it hard for adjusters to put the screws to you. Insurance Adjusters seem to respect legit accounting firms. Should be small hourly cost for them to do this for you.
Have an accounting service document your income on their letterhead. Makes it hard for adjusters to put the screws to you. Insurance Adjusters seem to respect legit accounting firms. Should be small hourly cost for them to do this for you.
While it couldn't hurt, considering they will ask for Income and Sales Tax returns I don't know how much it will help.
Update, I mean NO update!
Have now met w/ 5 adjusters/ specialists (yes FIVE) in 3 weeks since it happened. Im not even counting the Forensic auditors, who have actually been the most pleasant group so far.
Still no offer, no movement, no contact. All the adjusters & specialists say is "we give all our findings to the insurance Co.
Update, I mean NO update!
Have now met w/ 5 adjusters/ specialists (yes FIVE) in 3 weeks since it happened. Im not even counting the Forensic auditors, who have actually been the most pleasant group so far.
Still no offer, no movement, no contact. All the adjusters & specialists say is "we give all our findings to the insurance Co.
After numerous delays - (2 Months) I googled the Insurance company handling the matter and found e-mail contacts for top executives giving the chronology of what had happened so far.and asking that the matter be handled right away. Within 90 minutes my phone rang, coverage letter a few days thereafter and an advance payment shortly after that. (All of this is not to say things ended up great but that is a story for another day.)
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When I had a total loss of one automatic my insurance wanted wanted all the sales figures for the last 3 years for a average monthly sales total. It turned out that while one auto was down the other picked up the slack and we actually did more business than both averaged. In the end I dropped the loss of income claim. The person who totaled the automatic was held liable and my insurance company did not have to pay a thing. I have been with nationwide for 15 years now and never had a claim. This year they sent me a 50% premium increase. My agent switched carriers and now it is 20% cheaper with the same coverage.