Why not follow the instructions on the container and pour the 5 gallons of Fonic Wash PC concentrate into a 15 gallon container and add 10 gallons of water to it.For anyone using Fonic Wash PC for their high pressure soap and pulling straight out of the 5gl. pail, what dilution ratio are you using? I know it makes a difference if using soft water or not. Just looking for general ideas for a starting point. Thanks.
Why not follow the instructions on the container and pour the 5 gallons of Fonic Wash PC concentrate into a 15 gallon container and add 10 gallons of water to it.
Are you not having any issues with inconsistent dilution or clogged tips? We are mixing the way Randy described because the chemical companies said it has to be to prevent inconsistent dilution or clogged tips. Would like to get away from premixing if we can.Ain't nobody got time for that! I draw everything straight out of their container.
Are you not having any issues with inconsistent dilution or clogged tips? We are mixing the way Randy described because the chemical companies said it has to be to prevent inconsistent dilution or clogged tips. Would like to get away from premixing if we can.
Not the answer to the question you’re asking but, I use Kleen-rite’s KleenPak High Ph soap for my 2 SS bays. Great show, works well and no mixing etc. I wasn’t satisfied with Fonic Wash when I tried it.
I have space limitations at this location that prevent me from using the famous Correct/foam additive concoction.
Are you not having any issues with inconsistent dilution or clogged tips? We are mixing the way Randy described because the chemical companies said it has to be to prevent inconsistent dilution or clogged tips. Would like to get away from premixing if we can.
JBS and Kleenrite have both told me that about the chemicals that require 2:1 pre-mix. Something about hydrominders requiring water consistency chemicals to dilute consistently. And increased chance of clogged tips as I mentioned earlier.What chemical company? Ive never heard of a tip getting clogged from the chemical itself. Unless it's either garbage, old chemical, or a tip thats 10 years old. Ive never pre mixed and you shouldn't have to either. Complete waste of time and space.
Gotcha. Not sure about JBS as I never used them but I certainly would not take chemical advice from kleen rite. There website claims there HPD ultra concentrate should be a 2000:1 ratio for SS and IBA. What a joke. There isn’t even a hydrominder tip that small. They fall under the category of garbage chemicals like I mentioned earlier.
Wow! Thanks for the detailed response. Looks like we maybe just wasting our time pre-mixing these. May try 1 or 2 chemicals your way, it will make our chemical refill job way easier if it works for us too.I haven't diluted any chemical with water on a regular basis in my entire time in the business. Even when I first got in the business I was using the turtle wax hyperconcentrates that used double draw eductors and were thick and don't recall problems with them. It is sometimes hard to find "just the right tip" on the ultralean hydro tips because the ratios differ quite a bit from tip to tip. So I may have to run a product a little stronger than I like to get the proper result. So my chemicals costs may be a little higher than they have to be but in the scheme of self serve I'm not sure it moves the needle on my profitability enough to worry about. But then again mudmoney above says he uses a yellow tip in a 30 gallon drum and that sounds crazy diluted, maybe I need to try some!
I assume the clogging tips come from poor practices by the operator on site. If a chemical company in this day and age can't make a product that can't run through a pink hydrominder tip without clogging I'd question their overall quality control. I use some of the smallest tips with Quest drying aids and don't think one has ever clogged. I do try to maintain good hygiene when it comes to chemicals- I drill holes in the screw on caps and run my 1/4" hydrominder tubing through them. No containers are left open to the environment. The only problem I occasionally have is when I double draw a dye into a foaming wax for tri color and the red dye tip occasionally clogs, I assume they don't play well together.