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I measured a Suzo-Happ coin hopper and I'm pretty sure it will fit above the hopper in a Goldline cashier. One could program a ladder relay to make it pay out however many tokens you'd want for each wash level, and build a chute for the token(s) to drop into the coin return.
Here’s a thought...can you add a push button for vac token that times out after a few seconds?
Or...perhaps folks dont really care about the free vac token? Seems to me..especially with auto dispensing free tokens you are leaving money on the table. I assume someone is collecting the abandoned free tokens and at the very least never paying for vac or perhaps selling the vac token at a discount?
I’m sure there’s places for free vacs...I just don’t see it at a s/s and auto set least not at my place.
I am $2.00 for 4 min. My competitor is .75 cents. I clean and wipe down my vacs daily. Clean inside every two week, more on busy time of year and shake down vac bags. I go through vac motors every 5 to 6 years some time longer. People are willing to pay more if your equipment is clean and works. When I have a problem I always refund money no questions asked, this is something my competitors do not do freely and my customers tell me this.
On another note: I have cameras and if someone uses my trash for house trash I post a PIC of them on front of wash and in time someone turns them in or the person that did it calls. I love it when an X calls and says this use to be my girlfriend or boyfriend. One time a guy called and turned in his own brother. Hahaha
There was a token teller at one time that did require that the a button get pushed to receive a token within a certain amount of time. I have American and Hamiltontoken vendors and neither offer it and are unwilling to make a kit or option for it. I wished I could find the company that used to make the button token teller.
This shouldn't be hard to figure out. I could write a program for a relay that will "catch" the payout pulse and use a button to either send the payout or to clear it after a minute or two.
There was a token teller at one time that did require that the a button get pushed to receive a token within a certain amount of time. I have American and Hamiltontoken vendors and neither offer it and are unwilling to make a kit or option for it. I wished I could find the company that used to make the button token teller.
From what I have read Carolina Pride makes the push button token dispenser.
When you switched to a free token with each wash did you see an increase in automatic?
I am thinking of only accepting these free vacuum tokens only at the vacuums and quarters in SS and vending. Will my slug buster II eject these tokens if someone trys putting them in my SS or Luaral Vending Machine as I only take quarters in these and separating a few tokens in thousands of quarters would be a pain ?