We used 1 inch rivets for both cinder block and brick.
Yes we staggered the placement on the edges to get a flat seam. Your first panel will have rivets at approximately one and a quarter inches, 16 inches, 32inches and 46and 3/4 inches. Then your H chanel, a rivet at 16, 32, and 46 and 3/4 inches. This pattern will repeat itself until you get to the end of the wall and then you will finish the panel with a row of rivets in one and 1/4 inches from the edge and a J chanel. You can set the rivets closer to the edge if you want, all you have to do is clear the H chanel with the rivet head.
Here I,m using the term H chanel as you use division bar. Also by J chanel, I am refering to the trim at the end and top of the wall panels. As Wally said you want to leave an 1/8 of an inch for expansion in the division bars. but we did not leave this space on the end or top trims as they didn't but against anything and had room to expand. Thus we glued them tight to the FRP panel with a fine bead of silicone to hold them in place as there is no other way to fasten them. It's pretty easy with two guys, since the chanel is nylon and will spread to allow the tip of the silicone tube to nearly reach the botton of the chanel. One guy holds the chanel and the other the silicone gun.
Two suggestions to ease your mind. One, take a couple of sheets of typing paper and do a trial lay out of one of your bay walls. This will show you how many panels and division chanels etc. that you will need, especially the number of rivets. Using 10 ft. sheets and 24 and 1/2 ft. bays with returns, we used something in the range of 2,000 rivets for four bays including all the signage. Second, go to a Lowes or Home Depot and check out the FRP panels and trims and rivets just to get familiar with it.