As I mentioned in a post a while ago, Robert Ringer in his book "Winning Through Intimidation" made what I feel is a profound statement when it comes to business. He said that one must plan based on reality rather than what you think or would like it to be or your plans will automatically work against you.
Our industry, like many out there today, is not as robust as it was several years ago. If your wash or sales numbers are down like most of us you already know this. This is not the time to sit back and complain about it. It is time to act on what is happening (reality). We can choose to b*tch about the causes or we can work to make things happen at our own operations.
There have been many good suggestions here to get started on. Many seem to require more effort on our part rather than money. So instead of dwelling on the past or complaining about today, we need to act on the situation and do things that will make us survive now and be stronger in the future.
Our industry, like many out there today, is not as robust as it was several years ago. If your wash or sales numbers are down like most of us you already know this. This is not the time to sit back and complain about it. It is time to act on what is happening (reality). We can choose to b*tch about the causes or we can work to make things happen at our own operations.
There have been many good suggestions here to get started on. Many seem to require more effort on our part rather than money. So instead of dwelling on the past or complaining about today, we need to act on the situation and do things that will make us survive now and be stronger in the future.