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Goldline crypto pay retrofit


Any reasons why I shouldn’t move forward with a crypto pay retrofit on goldline paystations? I’m thinking of going with a swiper and tap readers.
Should I be expecting reliability and support issues mixing manufacture hardware?

I’m still running insert swipers from Hamilton with DAN, they work but folks get confused that they need to remove the card to process transactions. Signage has not helped.

I don’t like the EMV solution from Hamilton as I don’t see customers getting the multi step sequence in the correct order.

I have no plans to offer an app or membership service. I just need to process transactions, load washes and get audit reports.

Appreciate any feedback and user experiences.
We installed the Goldline swiper kit in 2017 and added the regular tap in 2020 to one unit. We did have a few minor issues here and there. One did involve Hamilton and Cryptopay pointing fingers at each other. The funny part is I can't remember what the issue was but was resolved. We pulled the Goldline out in 2023 for a major remodel. If you don't want any memberships then it's a good option.
I did the crypto pay retrofit on my gold line a few years ago as part of my reload of my automatic wash. Works great. I have swipe and tap Still the same silly issues with customers not knowing which direction to swipe the card etc. and not realizing that the tap is there despite stickers, signs,instructions etc. I had one customer trying to tap his card on the sticker which was right below the tap device!

I love having the cryptopay retrofit kit because cards are authorized immediately versus 30 seconds with my old Hamilton Swiper which utilized the phone line.

I have had zero equipment issues overall and I'm very happy with this choice.
Pull the trigger...you won't be disappointed. Very rarely is there an issue and if you do have one their tech support has been very quick and easy to deal with. I still have two slow sites that have ACW's with dial up that I just ordered equipment to convert over. We already have 7 other Hamilton/Wash Selects that have been converted and couldn't be happier!
I added TapPlus to 2 old ACW 4's last November. The usage was instantly high, and approximates over half of all of the transactions.
Installed a new touchless in front of WalMart a yr ago.
Had near new GoldLine & did conversion to Tap & Swipe. Works flawless & 60% tap, 20% swipe & 20% cash. Had no idea so many folks like to tap that thing, but they do!
Thank you. Sounds like I will move forward with this. Any reason to not go with the new tap plus? Or should you still get a swiper and tap plus?
Thank you. Sounds like I will move forward with this. Any reason to not go with the new tap plus? Or should you still get a swiper and tap plus?

I don't see that they offer a retrofit kit with a tap unit. It looks like you have to add that.
We installed the Hamilton EMV retrofit doors on our Goldlines. They work well (after some debugging of the software). We were one of the first to purchase the doors. We also have a custom panel on the door with simple instructions. Took our regular customers a few weeks to get the new process. It can be confusing to a new customer who does not like to read the instructions next to the EMV CC reader. We help them when at the wash and see them struggling on the cameras. In general has not been an issue. The Hamilton retrofit doors are expensive compared to the CryptoPay retrofit doors sold by KR. The Hamilton doors do work with our DAN so that is why we went the more expensive route. If we did not have the DAN and an APP we probably would have purchased the Cryptopay Tap Plus doors.
I added cryptopay with the separate tap and swiper on the goldline and it’s working great. Just remember to follow the directions on learning prices if you ever change the pricing.