I have been washing vets free for over 10 years. I mail to the veterans organizations, the local radio and the newspaper, an announcement. I post it on our street and location signage in the month prior to the event (it is up now). We THANK each veteran for their service to the country, on behalf of our community at large, when they come through. We do not ask for verification.
We do not use the "Grace" program. We do it on our own, as the word "grace" means different things to different people. "Thanks veterans" and "free wash to vets on Nov 11" is easy to understand. They get it!
I make every effort to personally thank as many veterans as I can. A couple years ago, a WWII vet came through. When I thanked him for his service, he teared up and said "in all my years, no one had ever thanked me for what I did." That made it all worthwile! It is fun and rewarding. Do it!!! Mark