I have a 2 IBA / 6 SS wash and am using Hamilton HTK's for pay stations and Cryptopay on my SS. I would like to start a monthly membership program / wash club. I have looked at a lot of the different programs out there - Everwash, Touch4Wash, Beacon Mobile, etc. Wanted to hear from anyone that has used Hamilton's custom mobile app and any pros/cons to the system.
We have been Hamilton autocashier customers off and on for over 30 years. We currently have Goldlines, push button HTK's and touch screen HTK's. We purchased 2 used push button HTK's four years ago and Hamilton was extremely helpful to us as we refurbished them and put them into service. We had good luck with them and purchased 2 new touchscreen HTK's about 2 years ago. Good experience from the new and used HTK's and Hamiltons service as well. We just purchased 3 used HTK's that were only 2 years old this week and we will be replacing some Goldlines with the new to us Touchscreen HTK's this month. Hamiltons hardware and service have been very solid over the last 5 years in our experience.
Hamilton had some serious issues about 20 years ago with hardware and service and we went to a different brand but we are back now and are very satisfied.
We started using the Hamilton App about 2.5 years ago and it has been pretty solid. We like being able to give away a wash on a users birthday and the loyalty program works well. We pushed it pretty hard early on but not as much lately. We had two locations with automatics that were underutilized so we decided to try the Hamilton App membership program. It has been extremely reliable and works as advertised. We knew going in that without LPR or RFID it would be abused to some degree and that has proved true. We are considering going to the Hamilton RFID system and pushing the memberships a little more aggressively. I don't think you can maximize profit with a membership program without some type of verification.
Sometimes business draws business so if you have a slow site the extra activity from membership programs can draw in full price customers which is an added bonus. Of course with the limited capacity of an inbay you dont want to be so busy with members that the wash is too busy for full price customers.
Anyone out there with the Hamilton RFID system that could give some feedback?
I see on Hamilton's website that they have LPR but I haven't seen any details on it. I absolutely love the concept that Dencar is using with the LPR and verifying after the fact. Dencar is too new for me personally but I will be following them with interest. I am hoping Hamilton is working on something like that so that my existing hardware could be utilized.
Doug P