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Help with foam brush


Active member
My foam brush looks like garbage all of a sudden. I’ve tested my water. It’s at 0 hardness. I normally have a smooth foam. I haven’t adjusted any setting on air or product. It’s like this in all bays. What’s even stranger is the fact that it’s sporadic. Its be foamy then not foamy then foamy. Does anyone have any ideas?
My tire cleaner is super foamy which makes me believe it’s not a water problem.


My foam brush looks like garbage all of a sudden. I’ve tested my water. It’s at 0 hardness. I normally have a smooth foam. I haven’t adjusted any setting on air or product. It’s like this in all bays. What’s even stranger is the fact that it’s sporadic. Its be foamy then not foamy then foamy. Does anyone have any ideas?
My tire cleaner is super foamy which makes me believe it’s not a water problem.
It looks pretty weak coming out of your foam brush out in the bay. Have you changed soap lately? I'd probably go up one tip size on the Hydrominder and see if that doesn't fix your problem. Is there a notch or a hole in the tube coming out of the Hydrominder to prevent siphoning from the mix tank back to the chemical container.
My hydrominders are suppose to have the built in siphon break on them. I also drilled holes in the delivery tubes going down into the tanks. I’ll hook up a fresh pale of soap and see if it makes a difference.
I'm not talking about siphoning. I'm speculating that it could be letting city water trickle through. With a trickle, it won't bring any chemical with it, which would water down the tank.
My hydrominders are suppose to have the built in siphon break on them. I also drilled holes in the delivery tubes going down into the tanks. I’ll hook up a fresh pale of soap and see if it makes a difference.
What kind of soap are you using?
Is this in all bays or just 1 ? If in just 1 bay check the foam generator I have had them plugged up on the past. Also check out your boom swivel if you are not using S'S or brass , had old Mark VII sysrem that came with steel swivels rust and restrick flow.
The foot valves seems to have been the issue. Thanks guys!
Thanks for coming back telling us what the fix was.
Lately I've had nothing but problems with the blue foot valves. I've gone to the Dema foot valves. This is the one I'm using now.
I also am using the demas and have been for a while. Ironically the bad one was still one of the old blue ones. That thing has been on there for a long while.
Thanks for coming back telling us what the fix was.
Lately I've had nothing but problems with the blue foot valves. I've gone to the Dema foot valves. This is the one I'm using now.
I switched to the demas as well almost a year ago, was having consistent issues with the blue ones only lasting 2 or 3 months. I think i have replaced 1 of the demas in the last 12 months and that was on an alkaline base for the iba
The blue ones seem they are incompatible with some chemicals so I switch those out for the gray ones. I tried the Dema valves and didn't really like them and went back to the Hydro valves. The Demas have a lot higher cracking pressure than the Hydros and I'm speculating would not draw chemical as well. It would be nice if Hydro would add just a tad more cracking pressure to theirs as I think that is also part of the issue with them.
The blue ones seem they are incompatible with some chemicals so I switch those out for the gray ones. I tried the Dema valves and didn't really like them and went back to the Hydro valves. The Demas have a lot higher cracking pressure than the Hydros and I'm speculating would not draw chemical as well. It would be nice if Hydro would add just a tad more cracking pressure to theirs as I think that is also part of the issue with them.
I switched to the Dema's years ago and haven't had one fail yet. And don't have any issues drawing chemicals. I have them on soap, wax, FB, PS, and all three colors of TF! I remember ordering 10 of them and checking them by attaching a hose and blowing through the hose with the FV in water. 2 were DOA, they leaked by the ball and oring. So I cut one open to see how it was made and tossed the bad ones in the trash. I keep thinking one will fail, knock on wood, they last way longer than the blue/grey ones. I actually found the thread when I installed the Dema's...Dec 2016! WOW!

(39) Blue/Gray foot valves. | Page 2 | Car Wash Forum
Just to follow up on this, I replaced the foot valve and everything was working fine. Pulled into the wash the next day and it looked like soup again. I replaced the foot valve again and a few parts on the Hydrominder but nothing helped. Finally hooked up a new pale of soap and had shaving cream like foam again. Very weird but perhaps a bad batch of soap.