We just installed a new Jobe Topez 3/4 High Temp valve for our hot water SS bay tank. Well worth the cost. The tank never overflows and the valve always opens.
I've had much better luck with the 1" Walters than the 1/2? or 3/4" ones, kind of surprising since I would have thought the larger diaphragm would be a weak point. I usually get a year out of a diaphragm in the self serve, at least five in the auto since it doesn't open and close as much.
Is it possible the larger 1" pipe size flows at a lower velocity (With Higher Volume) so it's easier on the diaphragm?
I see on the forum posts that some of the Hudson valves are failing.. How often are these happening - over pre-longed periods? We just installed one at our HP tank so far so good.. but now you guys have me nervous with premature failure thoughts...
IMO it's the opening/closing that wears out the seal. I've seen very high failure rate whenever the valve didn't have a drop hose to prevent cascading which makes it open and close while filling. The 1" used to have a much longer rod which also made it need to open less frequently.
I see on the forum posts that some of the Hudson valves are failing.. How often are these happening - over pre-longed periods? We just installed one at our HP tank so far so good.. but now you guys have me nervous with premature failure thoughts...
I think having the water storage tank mounted on the pump stand is a big factor in quick failures of valves. I have both stand and floor mounted tanks. The valves in the floor mounted tanks last much longer, probably due to much less vibration. I use mostly Walters, and have a couple of Jobe valves that I am trying.
Are the floor standing tanks bigger than the ones built onto the stand? It's been my thought for some time that the valve opening and closing more often is what causes most of the wear on the diaphragm seal.