Here's my fun update to this one:
Washworld still hasn't replaced my arm on my razor. My distributor says that they don't have anyone to manufacture them anymore.
My distributor got the machine up and running again with some spare parts he had lying around (like an old style arm) and the parts WashWorld were able to send, after a little over a month of me waiting.
But now he's saying he wants his arm back and is giving me the choice of having just the metal arm without the covers or no arm at all, shutting me down again. What would you do? I find it hard to imagine wash world hasn't been installing any new machines cuz they have no arms.
I hate to say that the 'hard stop' plan doesn't work, but it doesn't. Just is another expensive thing to fix. Turns out, there's simply nothing you can do to prevent drivers from screwing up. But there's a lot you can do to make sure you catch them. And you really need to make sure you know the law, as a lazy cop can interrupt due process with even less effort. Here's one of our own locations that just got hit today actually. Building is over 14 feet tall. Not a match for a class 8 bucket truck though.
I've thought about making a height clearance bar and mounting fluorescent bulbs on it. When they hit it would shatter and send glass everywhere and (hopefully) get the drivers attention but no real damage done.
Greg & others,
FWIW ... to add maybe a glass breakage sensor could get an immediate loud siren alarm to go off??? That would increase the chance of besides the cameras another customer might help with the identification.
We have a glass breakage sensor close to the large thermopane windows on our laundromat but so far a potential shattering sound has not been 100% tested ... by us ... at this point in time..
I had when a customer volunteered info on a theft ... it did not get to the "affidavit under pain of perjury needed" stage though. From experience, the volunteer "observer" is less likely to provide &/or sign an affidavit ... "some type of fear" probably the reason. I think subpoenas would tend to be reserved for really "big ticket" damage.
I've thought about making a height clearance bar and mounting fluorescent bulbs on it. When they hit it would shatter and send glass everywhere and (hopefully) get the drivers attention but no real damage done.
cylinder should have a way to also be an alarm trigger. I am thinking a tube that when hit at any spot it would close alarm contacts.