John for your advertising to be totally effective you need to do some
marketing homework to figure out what you are selling and who will buy it and why, and then how to reach those customers and what to say.
In a sentence that is
marketing. Advertising is part of a
marketing plan. If you have no
marketing plan then you are going to most often find your advertising to not be as effective as you would like.
What you have to do is answer these simple
marketing questions:
a. What am I selling? You might say, "dumb question, I am selling detailing." To you that is what you are selling but to the various customers you might be selling:
+Protection of leisure time
+Protection of their investment
+Good feelings driving a clean car
+Desire to get more money because they are selling the vehicle
+Ego gratification
There might be more reasons, but these are a good start. You have to know then what you are selling to what market.
b. Who will buy what you are sellling? You have to be absolutely certain which customers are buying what? Protection of investment or protection of leisure time, for example. They are different.
c. Why will they buy it? Your advertising message must deal with these reasons
d. Where are they? That is you need to determine where they are so you know how to reach them.
e. How do I reach them? That is choice of media to use. For example if you are targeting the rich who buy to protect leisure time you would not want to advertise in "coupon clippers." These people typically do not clip coupons and if they do they hide it.
f. What do you say? If you are advertising to the rich the issue of price is not a prime reason for them to buy.
Once you know what you are selling to whom you can pick your media and the message and find your advertising much more effective.
Bud Abraham