I currently have 2 commercial hot water heaters feeding my SS pump stand. When I am busy (during the winter) they cannot keep up. When I am slow the water sits in the reservoir and will often get cold before it is used. I am considering installing on-demand hot water heaters. At what point in the water line should they be located? I was planning on putting one in the line that feeds each individual bay between the pump stand reservoir and the pump. I would mount them on the wall right behind the pump stand. That's a low pressure line that feeds the pump. Does anyone else have them in this same location? Or do you put them before the reservoir? If they are before the reservoir do you have any issue with the water cooling down in the reservoir before it gets sent to the bays? I have an issue with customers coming in early in the morning or right after a dead period. The first few in get cold water that has been sitting in the reservoir. The next customers get hot waterafter the heaters recharge the reservoir. I only have 2 SS bays. Do I need two heaters? Any suggestions would be helpfull.