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How can this happen in America?


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2007
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I read a letter yesterday from a dodge dealer in Melbourne, Florida, and still can't believe that: A. This could happen here, and B. That no one seems to care. This came about directly because Barack Hussain Obama decreed that the government would take over Dodge/Chrysler and tell them how to run it. They decreed how many dealerships must close. This particular guy wrote an open letter. I wish I could find the link for it. Basically he was notified that his franchise was being revoked and given to another dealer. That's right, given. After 60 days he was no longer a dealer. There was no provision for buying his parts inventory, valued at $300,000, or his cars. After the 60 days, he could no longer do warranty work, and his new cars would become his. That meant that they would all be used cars when or if he sold them. To make things worse, if you can believe that, two years ago Dodge told him he had to remodel his dealership, at his cost of course. His family has owned this for 35 years and had it paid off. So he took out a multimillion dollar mortgage to do this. He is now faced with bankruptcy, and at least 50 people will be without jobs. Yes, change we can believe in. If it can happen to business people like this, it can happen to you.


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Sep 7, 2007
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Second thoughts?

The 2008 election Obama boosters among us have been pretty quiet. I HAVE to believe that the pro-O (albeit small) contingent on this Forum MUST be having second thoughts as we careen deeper into '09.

In a headlong rush, O has ushered in:

Staggering increases in spending and debt ... the outrageous grasp for power and control in virtually EVERY aspect of our lives ... growing Big Government sooo much Bigger ... nationalizing the private sector and a forced march into Socialism ... putting the Constitution in ever greater jeopardy ... the monetizing of the national debt and madly printing bookoo tons of greenbacks (which is instigating a worldwide rejection of the dollar and will ultimately result in hyperinflation) ... a crisis of confidence among our lender nations ... a multitude of broken promises ... the dangers of following thru on other irresponsible promises ... the looming, inescapable reality of considerably higher taxes (in one form and/or another) for EVERYBODY ... the disparaging of America and kowtowing to despots around the world ... the erosion of our security and morale among those pledged to protect us ... and on and on and on.

And so I ask --- are there any thoughtful, informed and sincere disciples of "The One" among us who have had their faith shaken? If not, what the heck will it take?!!

The Poster Formerly Known


Active member
Aug 28, 2007
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Tri-Cities, WA
Why are we surprised, Obama told us what he was going to do, and the 50% of the people that pay no taxes loved his plan, destroy capitalism, tax the rich out of existence. Pay off the union brown shirts with Chrysler and GM then use the money from the nationalized banks to keep them running since there is no way that they will be able to run them at a profit. Blackmail the states by threatening to withhold stimulus money if they layoff or lower the wages of the public unions. Where did you miss that this is exactly what he promised us.

Since you can't change it, prepare for it. If we are REALLY lucky, in 2010 enough smart people will freak and change the majority in congress. Don't hold your breath, that 50% will only get bigger.

robert roman

Bob Roman
Sep 11, 2007
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Clearwater, Florida
Set aside the irrelevant political BS and examine at the facts of the matter.

1) Overall, the demand for new vehicle sales is down about 30% and is going to remain depressed for at least several more years
2) U.S. OEM's have lost significant market share to foreign makes

The result is that there are now too many dealerships to compete for the remaining market without compromising same store sales.

The most logical approach would be to retrench, stablize and then develop a growth strategy.

Retrenchment means streamlining; dumping excess production and distribution capacity. In the case of Chrysler and GM, this means the franchises would need to close plants and dealerships.

Chrysler has so mis-managed itself that it is not in a position to restructure outside of bankrupcy court. Without government backing (which includes terms to pay the money back), Chrysler would not survive because the private equity whores are not willing to provide conditions and terms necessay to restructure. Private equity would wrangle to acquire and then sell off the assets, no more Chrysler.

No company wants to go out of business. However, dealerships are franchisees who must operate the business according to the franchise agreement. Obviously, these agreements have clauses that provide the franchisor with the ability to end the business relationship if it sees fit to do so. By ending the relationship, the franchisor isn't telling the owner that it can't sell cars, but rather it can no longer do so under the franchise name or do warranty work or sell factory parts, etc.


Active member
Aug 28, 2007
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Tri-Cities, WA
Robert, most of your facts are correct, but any company that screws up should just go out of business, like we would when we screw up. Destroying capitalism and contract law, to save a bankrupt company isn't the solution, it does however accomplish Obama's socialist program.

BTW you must have missed that the government is going to forgive their loans to GM and Chrysler.

robert roman

Bob Roman
Sep 11, 2007
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Clearwater, Florida
Some policies of the current administration do smack of socialism. However, I believe some of this may be warranted to make up for almost a decade of the disenfranchisement of main street. We all should know that socialism doesn't work mathematically in the long run. After some of the damage to main street is overcome, administrative policy will normalize, it always does.

We need to re-establish a very strong manufacturing base in this country to help solidify long term economic growth. Recent experience has shown that a service-based economy can become a house of cards. In some respects, this should be considered a national security issue. If private equity is unwilling to step up to plate other than to profit by selling off America by the pound, then the government's attempt to deal with issues like the manufacturing industry, shipping US jobs overseas, etc. could be viewed as a noble short-term move to help take care of our own.

How far do we dare hobble capitalism for the sake of democracy and the health and welfare of the general public and visa versa? It is certainly a difficult dilemma we face.


Active member
Aug 28, 2007
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Tri-Cities, WA
Criminal activity is not capitalism, the crooks in government are also not capitalist.

Robert, that is how Obama is selling the government control of the USA, "Look at all of that abuse" "Let me fix it". That is exactly what Hitler told Germany in the 30's. Hide and watch. Handing over GM and Chrysler to the Unions will certainly solve all of those capitalist abuses. Everyone forget about the corruption in the Teamsters and the unions and the mafia sleeping together. Has there been any union or government run company that is successful? There maybe a reason that the union membership is only 7%. 93% realise that capitalism even with its small percentage of abuses is what gave us the standard of living that most of the world is jealous of and many are dying trying to get here.


AKA Duane H- 3 bay SS
Sep 2, 2007
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I want to start investing in America. Where can I buy stock in Amtrak or the Post Office. After years of being government run, I'm sure these must be sure-fire winners, right?

Greg Pack

Wash Weenie
Sep 3, 2007
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Hoover, Alabama
Staggering increases in spending and debt ... the outrageous grasp for power and control in virtually EVERY aspect of our lives ... growing Big Government sooo much Bigger ... nationalizing the private sector and a forced march into Socialism ... putting the Constitution in ever greater jeopardy ... the monetizing of the national debt and madly printing bookoo tons of greenbacks (which is instigating a worldwide rejection of the dollar and will ultimately result in hyperinflation) ... a crisis of confidence among our lender nations ... a multitude of broken promises ... the dangers of following thru on other irresponsible promises ... the looming, inescapable reality of considerably higher taxes (in one form and/or another) for EVERYBODY ... the disparaging of America and kowtowing to despots around the world ... the erosion of our security and morale among those pledged to protect us ... and on and on and on.

And so I ask --- are there any thoughtful, informed and sincere disciples of "The One" among us who have had their faith shaken? If not, what the heck will it take?!!
Yeah but did you see Michelle's Dress last weekend? Absolutely Stunning!

I would continue this debate, but American idol is on.......



Active member
Aug 28, 2007
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Tri-Cities, WA
The biggest issue is that the majority of people look at everyone that has more than them and instead of thinking, "if I wanted to pay the price (work my ass off) that they are paying to have that, I would have it too", they think, "well that son of a bitch, he doesn't serve that, I want the government to take it from him and give it to me".

Since they make up 90% of the population, supporting Obama to do just that is a forgone conclusion. You have seen people in your circle or customers assume that you just go to the wash and pick up the buckets of money, that somehow God gave you the wash and you play golf all day. There was a guy on the financial channel yesterday, declaring that the people that used private jets were bad people and it had to be stopped immediately. It didn't matter that they saved time and money by avoiding commercial airlines and since they didn't have to go through security, it was obvious that they would be letting terrorist ride around in their planes. The host asked him if he had ever riden on a private jet in his job and he admitted that he had and it was really nice.

I hope that CNBC is putting these left wing nut cases on the air to show what fools they are.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
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Ann Arbor, MI
Anyone need a new car? I know a guy in Melbourne, FL who might give you a good deal.
On a serious note- It does anger me that people like this are losing everything they've worked for while the people that have been on welfare for 5 years straight and have not attempted to get a job are fine because "they gonna get their check" every week. The private sector is not failing- government social projects are failing. Welfare was set up to get people back on their feet so they can get a job and create for themselves. However the government has shown them that apathy pays. Now Obama has decided to dump more money into a welfare system that is producing nothing- what does this communicate to people who are the producers in this country? It says "work harder, spend less time with your families, and eternally chase the dream you have for your family, but then when you get to the finish line we're gonna take half of what you worked so hard for and give it to the people who trashed their work boots and hold their hands out. Has anyone had to ask someone for money? Do you remember how crappy you felt, and how humbly and gratefully you took somebody's help? Well these people are totally opposite- they EXPECT it, and if they don't get it they get angry. Screw that- I'm angry. We as a country need to start EMBRACING those who ARE productive. THAT is how we can win our greatness back.


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2007
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Mr Roman, this particular dealer was running a profitable business, for 35 years no less. He was contributing to society and business, not sucking life out of it. And all because someone with a nice smile decided to pay back his union buddies. B. Hussain Obama has never even ran something as relatively simple as a Dairy Queen, and fans of Oprah and American Idol put him in charge of our economy. I like Sequoia's comment. How come you never hear investment advisors recommending the investments that Obama mentions?


Active member
Sep 7, 2007
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Normalize this!

Oh yeah, Robert, you're correct --- the American auto industry needs to "streamline", become more efficient, and build cars people want to buy. But it's terribly disappointing when a bright guy such as yourself asserts that BIG GOVERNMENT and LABOR UNION control are what is needed to achieve these efficiencies and quality! Does anybody really have to point out how history has proven again and again what a delusionary dream that is?!!

Should some dealerships close? Perhaps. But what has got so many outraged (beyond Government doing it at all) is the calloused, incompetent, insanely random way the Government is doing it! Outrage, yes ... surprise, no.

.... After some of the damage to main street is overcome, administrative policy will normalize, it always does. ....
Again (tragically) , you are correct, Robert --- "administrative (Governmental) policies do 'normalize'". That is to say (as with frogs in water that slowly boils 'em alive) --- over time, "Main Street" (and, for that matter, most of Wall Street) has been relentlessly pummeled into regarding ever increasing Government encroachment and erosion of our rights and freedoms as "normal". Incremental, ever increasing (even confiscatory) tax burdens become "normal". And with Administrative/Governmental direction and dictates --- the teacher's unions are dumbing down our kids while (coincidentally?) deviancy keeps getting defined ever downward toward depths we're told have become the "new norms".

Power monger politicians and Big Government never willingly relinquish power ... and they always lust for more. And, as Reagan said, "the closest thing to eternal life on earth is a Government program". Given those realities, we are being dragged (and others gleefully seduced) into a grotesque corruption of the America Dream wherein the "shared poverty of Socialism " and lost freedom will come to be considered "normal" ... until the Righteous brilliance of our Constitution, Free Markets and Freedom itself are rediscovered.
