How did you end up valuing the land versus business in your purchase (or what ratio)? I've seen the typical 3-5x gross revenues mentioned for ss but not sure how the land value moves a deal up or down. Thanks!
I had all the finances from the owner and I did a basic underwriting to see if it would cover the loan properly. Once that hurdle was over (with a nice margin) I did a very rough discounted cash flow for the business and compared to the multipliers. All numbers looked pretty good, despite the fact that the FED rates were skyrocketing, which was a huge extra hurdle at the time. (Banks were getting cold feet, asking for endless amount of data, etc)
For the land I wasn't too worried because I live in the area and I know how ridiculously fast the land prices are going up here. It would have been a moot point.
The bank made me pay for a proper appraisal, and we worked with a guy named Cleyton from Florida who has done 100s of these and gave me an amazingly detailed report.
I used that to review my calculations they were pretty darn close, so I was happy enough.
If the wash is underperforming this approach becomes very difficult, because your cash flow may not service the loan properly. Then you need to analyse the performance of your wash. I was told by several people (not my numbers and I haven't validated them, so be very, very careful with this information) that an average wash should make in the neighborhood of $1k to $1.2k per self service bay per week in average each year (averaging high and low season), and an automatic about twice that much. A "good" wash should make $1.5k./week/bay At the time my wash was not meeting those figures but they did in the past (less competition, before COVID), so I knew I had room to improve, and even thought my loan service was good, I could make it better and add value.
I ended up spending way more on maintenance than I expected, but I also ended up ramping up the revenues way faster than I had planned for.
I'm not an expert at all, so don't take any of this as gospel. I realize I could have done many things differently, but I don't regret. I am really enjoying this business. It seems to match my skills very well and we are being recognized in our community.