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How long have you been in the car wash business?

Earl Weiss

Well-known member
Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
I was born into it. Started folding towels Washing mats and breaking Chain in 1965 or so. Hawked the new fangled Hot wax in about 1966, the new fngled polish wax in 1968, then became a cashier. Worked various positions after that, managing family locations for a while in 1980, when we moved to EE from Full serve and then added after care option. Owner operator since 1987. With one location. Now have 4 tunnels and 8 bays.
Biggest thrill is when everything goes right and we pump out over 100 CPH, Biggest drag is when it got nutty crazy and police chased people away to eliminate traffic problems, and bigeest continuing problem is when people, customers and employees don't do what they are supposed to as well as those breakdowns on the busiest days.


New member
Sep 10, 2007
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Little over a year now, really love it. Bought an existing wash from a super honest guy, at a fair price. Was a dairy farmer for 12 years, so the 7 day/week thing is cake compared to "only" working 8 hrs on sunday as my day off. I really love that I see a lot of friends at the wash, and am lucky that I can fix most things that break, and actually make a little money at it. The only thing I dislike is cleaning vacs, and the perception that all you do is come by to count your money, and must be in the biz because you are rich and need to hide income.