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How many cars do you guys wash a day?

A local guy I knew a long time managed a Delta sonic and told me they hit over 200CPH. Thought it was baloney until I went to see it.

How long was the tunnel and was it getting the backs of cars clean? Around here I noticed some washes speed up the conveyors on the crazy days and the cars come out dirty on the back.
How long was the tunnel and was it getting the backs of cars clean? Around here I noticed some washes speed up the conveyors on the crazy days and the cars come out dirty on the back.
Delta Sonic in this area does a lot of prepping. This location had 3 manned pay entry lanes. People with HP guns and also brushes prepping. If I recall correctly the Delta sonic locations I saw did not have wrap around brushes, I can only guesstimate tunnel was 120 Feet but they prepped before the cars were loaded. There are videos now on You tube of some Tommy Tunnels with belts doing over 200 CPH Double wraps seem to do the trick.
Not long ago I was running 4 locations with Datatrax. . Actually replaced DRB with Datatrax. at some locations when DRB told me they would no longer support the version I had. The main Boxes were all a light Tan (Almost a putty color like all the old computers) in color. One, from the 980's had LED readouts and the others were LCD. Most of the relay boxes were the same color but had to but a few that were white when I replaced the DRBs. Conveyor was 3'6" roller spacing and with cars at about 6 foot pacing there would be one rolling off every 12-15 seconds. A local guy I knew a long time managed a Delta sonic and told me they hit over 200CPH. Thought it was baloney until I went to see it.
Yes - Delta Sonic can do that with no problem with their Touch-Less process. We have about 12 of them here in Buffalo - their home city.