What does everyone find as an acceptable level of snow and ice left on a vehicle and in the wheel wells when operating an EE with prep guys? I know many operators will put signs out that say we do not remove ice/snow etc.. How does this usually go over? How hard is it to convert customers who are accustomed to having it done every time? What do you say to them to try and explain why you do not remove all of the ice/snow from their vehicle? Any input on this would be great. Our unlimited wash program has increased our volume to a point where we can't spend 5 plus minutes on every vehicle jabbing the wand into the wheel wells and getting every piece of ice out, also these people will come back every single day looking exactly the same caked with ice and snow because they can wash as often as they want.
Also, to some degree I feel as if it hurts our self serve business a little bit as well. The vehicles that have mounds and mounds of ice and snow up in the wheel wells really belong in a self serve bay where the customer can spend the necessary time required to remove all of it. But why would they do that when they can come in the EE and pay a few bucks and have every piece of ice and snow removed for them??
Also, to some degree I feel as if it hurts our self serve business a little bit as well. The vehicles that have mounds and mounds of ice and snow up in the wheel wells really belong in a self serve bay where the customer can spend the necessary time required to remove all of it. But why would they do that when they can come in the EE and pay a few bucks and have every piece of ice and snow removed for them??